What did you hate?

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Executive Chef
Sep 6, 2017
Las Vegas
When you were a kid, what did you hate having to eat? And do you like it now?

For me, Brussels sprouts. I ate them once when I was about 6, and refused to touch another. But they became an “it” food a year or two ago, so I had to at least try.

The reason I didn’t like them, I’ve decided, is because Brussels sprouts have an adult taste. Kids don’t like that slightly bitter, umami taste and the sprouts’ mouth feel.

I’m making Brussels sprouts with bleu cheese and chestnuts tonight. YUM!
Garbanzo and Lima beans... Didn't like then, don't eat them now, in any form..

Ohhhhh, Lima beans! I forgot about those! Never ever in a million years (I’ll probably only live ‘til I’m 65, so I guess I’m safe!) will I eat another Lima bean, even if it’s to save my life! Garbanzos have their uses (hummus, mainly), but I don’t really like them whole. Nasty mouthfeel.
I don't care for limas and garbanzos either. Never have. For me it's a texture issue. I like hummus.

As a child, butternut squash made me gag. I just could not get it down. These days, I love it. It's the only winter squash I buy.

I still don't like rhubarb.
Marmite and Bovril. At school, they used to spread the stuff on fried bread, and it made me puke, and they still made me eat it. I promised myself I would learn to cook, and I started to cook at an early age....which has never stopped, because I promised myself that I would always cook good food, both for me and for friends who came to dinner at my house, and it's been the same ever since then.

di reston

Enough is never as god as a feast oscar Wilde
Lima beans, liver. Those were probably the 2 things that I just couldn't (and still can't) stomach. I've always been fairly nonselective in my eating, enjoying foods that most of the kids I grew up with wouldn't even touch.
I hated asparagus as a kid, but in our house, it was from a can, and my mom cooked everything to death.

The first time I had asparagus cooked by a fine dining chef, it was an epiphany. Now, I love it.

I hated asparagus as a kid, but in our house, it was from a can, and my mom cooked everything to death.

The first time I had asparagus cooked by a fine dining chef, it was an epiphany. Now, I love it.

How well I remember my mom's cooking... She thought that a pork chop had to be cooked to hammer density... :wacko: :LOL:

How well I remember my mom's cooking... She thought that a pork chop had to be cooked to hammer density... :wacko: :LOL:


My parents still cook pork chops in sauerkraut for New Years day to the point of shoe leather. Tradition. :ermm:

Lima beans, liver. Those were probably the 2 things that I just couldn't (and still can't) stomach. I've always been fairly nonselective in my eating, enjoying foods that most of the kids I grew up with wouldn't even touch.
Same for me, yuck. My dad made liver and onions occasionally, but my mom didn't like them, so we kids didn't have to eat it, either.
Liver. :sick: My Mom would fry it in bacon grease. I had to eat a decent portion of liver before I "earned" any of the crisp bacon. The things a kid will do for bacon...

Mom also over-cooked Brussels sprouts. Wasn't a fan, but they were better than liver. :LOL: Now that I cook them, they are one of our favorite veggies.
I can't think of anything I really hate to eat. I spent my younger years on a farm and we ate pretty much what we produced. My mother only made a trip to the stores about twice a month. If I can think of anything I won't eat, I'll get back to you.
I was never a fan of salsify or parsnips.

Milk toast was a horror when we were not feeling well. I like toast and I like milk but when you mix them together in a bowl that is just nasty!!! I still don't care for anything with a soggy texture.
I was never a fan of salsify or parsnips.

Milk toast was a horror when we were not feeling well. I like toast and I like milk but when you mix them together in a bowl that is just nasty!!! I still don't care for anything with a soggy texture.

I soooo agree.... :wacko:

AB, I had to look up 'salsify', as I've never heard of it. I learn something new every day here! :)

Not a liver fan, either. I've tried. I guess I'm in the minority because I do love buttered lima beans, and always have some garbanzos in the pantry for sprinkling on salads or snacking.

The first thing that came to mind when I opened this thread is tuna casserole. I dreaded those nights as a kid when my mom served it for dinner, and haven't able to bring myself to try a new and different recipe for it since. :LOL:
We didn't have to eat anything my dad didn't like. And he had a looooong list. I have since tasted liver and onions, several times, and I do like liver wurst and chicken livers wrapped in bacon. His idea for steak was it had to be cooked until it was cremateable then doused in catsup. I never knew what was so good about steak until I moved away from home.

I didn't care for pickled herring or smoked fish as a kid. Now I find they make great treats and you can use smoked fish in a lot of dips, appetizers and not just on crackers.

Okra. Slicke'em.

Lima beans. We actually grew lima beans. In our garden. I've found an easy work around for succotash is to add any other green veggie to the corn and it tastes great. Not okra.

I was very disappointed to find out both Dx and Jr don't like brussels sprouts. Guess I won't be making any for Christmas.
I'll eat liver all day, as long as I cook it.


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When I was a kid I hated liver. My mum tried so many different fancy sauces to try to make me like it. I was at a resto that served rib steak with a liver and wiener appetizer. They cooked the steaks and the wiener and liver on a charcoal grill. I decided to give that little piece of liver a try. OMG, it was so goooooood. All it needed for me to like it was for it not to be overcooked. I later found recipes for liver in a Danish cookbook and figured out why my mum cooked the liver to death. From the Danish cookbook, "Sear the liver. Add chicken stock and simmer for an hour." :ohmy:

Green peas that came out of a can. I did like raw peas from the pod. My mum switched from canned to frozen peas and I was fine with peas. I still can't eat green peas that come out of a can.

Tuna casserole - never tried it. The smell made me gag.

Lima beans, shudder. However, I am willing to give them another try, nearly 60 years later. I have had fava beans in Greek restos and I like them.

Sweet potatoes, gah! As a kid I had them at someone else's house. They served them with a marshmallow sauce. I have had sweet potato fries as an adult and they are okay.

Fried onions, as a kid I found them too sweet. No one would believe me. I like them now.

But, there were plenty of things that other kids thought were horrible that I did like: pickled herring, smoked salmon, beets, whole grain breads, "sylte" (A Scandinavian version of head cheese), tongue, Scandinavian salty licorice, and I'm sure there's more, like Brussels sprouts.
Farina, was a big thing back in Russia when I was growing up. Hot cereal of a sort. Every kid had it for breakfast. I hated to the point that I would throw up. But my Mom kept feeding me that crap. I still hate it. My Kids Love it. Go figure.

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