What have you had for breakfast lately?

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Gadzooks... Happy Holidays! The church I belong to feeds the homeless for dinner every Monday. You realize how many people there are that go without, especially during the holidays.

Here was our breakfast... scrambled eggs with bacon bits and chives, bacon and buttered toast. It wasn't fancy, but it was good!

When you're using your body to heat the great outdoors, fancy ain't much. High density carbs and protein, with a generous amount of fat, fills the bill. A fried breakfast stays with them for a good part of the day. Good on you.
I made a ham and cheese omelet, with sausage patties on the side. Redundant perhaps, but tasty. Buttered homemade bread toast, juice and coffee completed the meal. It really stuck with us because we didn't think about having anything to eat until almost 2 p.m.
Today I had a lovely leisurly breakfast:
fried egg
rye toast slathered with butter
orange wedges
french vanilla coffee
Homemade egg mcmuffin with egg, cheddar, bacon & ham with an iced vanilla latte.
Cardamon Christmas bread, toasted, with cherries & apricots in it, and coffee.
i had breakfast for breakfast for once! woohoo!

i broke downand bought a jimmy dean brand nuke-able breakfast bowl. the cheddar, potato, eggs, and bacon bowl.

honestly, it was pretty good. not exactly a chef making eggs benedict with fresh hollandaise on a homemade muffin, but it fit the bill.

for once i didn't read the nutrition label, so please spare me if you know.

it's like ordering mickey d's to me. a bue moon event. maybe sooner at times.
I try to keep one or two nukies on hand. I don't have very good eating habits becuse I live alone. So when I know I have to eat SOMETHING, anything, I go for those. It helps me keep my sugars under control. And it is easier than cooking. Mostly Hot Pockets. When my sugars drop too low, I first get orange juice into me, and then a Hot Pocket. They hold me over until I can cook something.

I prefer poached egges on an English muffin or toast. And always coffee then a glass of milk. :chef:
i had breakfast for breakfast for once! woohoo!

i broke downand bought a jimmy dean brand nuke-able breakfast bowl. the cheddar, potato, eggs, and bacon bowl.

honestly, it was pretty good. not exactly a chef making eggs benedict with fresh hollandaise on a homemade muffin, but it fit the bill.

for once i didn't read the nutrition label, so please spare me if you know.

it's like ordering mickey d's to me. a bue moon event. maybe sooner at times.

The JD ham and cheese omelets are decent in a pinch, too. I usually have a box of those in the freezer at work if I forget to eat, they are quick and at least taste like ham and cheese.
Geesh, maybe I am not a food snob after all. What I object to is all the preservatives found in food today. I just feel better if I read the label and try to avoid chemicals in general if possible. I would rather buy a loaf of artisan bread and toss most of it out because it went really stale, than to toss out a couple of slices of Wonder Bread in an effort to not waste the whole loaf because I tried to use up the loaf. but when I need that Hot Pocket, I need it instantly. I am not stopping to read the label.

Most frozen foods are flash frozen and don't have the need for chemicals. Specially veggies. They go right from the fields to the freezer the same day. :chef:
Geesh, maybe I am not a food snob after all. What I object to is all the preservatives found in food today. I just feel better if I read the label and try to avoid chemicals in general if possible. I would rather buy a loaf of artisan bread and toss most of it out because it went really stale, than to toss out a couple of slices of Wonder Bread in an effort to not waste the whole loaf because I tried to use up the loaf. but when I need that Hot Pocket, I need it instantly. I am not stopping to read the label.

Most frozen foods are flash frozen and don't have the need for chemicals. Specially veggies. They go right from the fields to the freezer the same day. :chef:

I need to watch carefully for sodium and fat content, I do have a few things that I pick for quick fixes if I find myself getting the shakes. I do my best to avoid all the extra preservatives, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup. But, you are right Addie, when a diabetic needs to eat, the last thing on your mind is the composition of the food we are eating. :angel:
When a diabetic needs to eat, the last thing on your mind is the composition of the food we are eating. :angel:

I finally, after more than four years, have my medical team convinced that I know my body and if I run into a problem, they will be the first I call. I know when my sugar is low or high. The obvious when it is low, and I just feel sick when it is too high. I immediately check it when I feel either one is present. And when I am not feeling so great, the first thing I do is check my sugar level. And this morning, it is right on target. :chef:
A pbj toasted english muffin & some bacon with a nice, strong latte.

Peanut butter on a plain rice cake and nuked in the micro. The PB melts down into the rice cake and brings out the flavor of the PB. I use all natural PB. The kind where you have to stir the oil in that is floating on top. The only thing it has added is salt. It's like eating fresh roasted peanuts. Perfect for diabetics. :chef::yum:
I put anything into an omelet. This morning was 3/4 cup of left over mac and cheese and 2 eggs with a few red pepper flakes. Sal.

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