What have you had for breakfast lately?

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There was some leftover cauliflower 'salad' (barely al dente with a mayo dressing) that needed to be used up so had it with a boiled egg and organic wholemeal sourdough bread, toasted.
I rarely have breakfast beyond forcing down a slice of toast and a cup of tea. However I slept badly last night so got up early at 7am. Had cup of tea and then pottered about doing stuff that needed doing by which time is was after 9am. I was bit peckish by this time so had a mashed banana with 2 Weetabix and milk.
The U.S. biscuit is pretty much a savoury scone . I prefer savoury scones to sweet although we wouldn't have them with a sauce or gravy .

I like gluten free crumpets for breakfast with jam or marmalade .
The Girls have been on strike--too cold to lay eggs. Today I made a root vegetable coleslaw for breakfast--red cabbage, rutabaga, honeycrisp apple, fennel, onion, carrot, parsnip, some fresh baby greens (kale, lettuce, radish). For the dressing I used one of the infused EVOO's in the pantry and balsamic vinegar. I topped it with some crunched up deep-fried rice wrappers for some added crunch. I am so hoping the Girls get over this and start laying eggs again.
The Girls have been on strike--too cold to lay eggs. Today I made a root vegetable coleslaw for breakfast--red cabbage, rutabaga, honeycrisp apple, fennel, onion, carrot, parsnip, some fresh baby greens (kale, lettuce, radish). For the dressing I used one of the infused EVOO's in the pantry and balsamic vinegar. I topped it with some crunched up deep-fried rice wrappers for some added crunch. I am so hoping the Girls get over this and start laying eggs again.

Well, the days are getting longer, so they should start laying soon. Just think, all that calcium building up inside of them. They are going to give you some record breaking eggs. :angel:
Two poached eggs (can I say that they were still warm when I collected them this morning--the Girls are laying! There were 10 eggs this morning!) on a huge bed of Methi, with three sides--black beans, grits and a sliced heirloom tomato. A glass of freshly-juiced golden beet juice. I'm so full--doubt that I'll need to think about eating the rest of the day!
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SO has been blowing out some eggs so she can use the shells for Easter decorations. As a result, I had a 3-egg omelet with green bell pepper, genoa salami and provolone cheese.
I had a BLT and coffee this morning. :)

Andy, I remember blowing out eggs for Easter decorations...it's been years and I kind of forgot about that fun little project. That might be something to do during spring break when all my grands will be here.
Pretty much the same that I had yesterday except today I made a "hash" of of chickpeas, tomato, roasted red pepper, roasted garlic, Methi, bulghar wheat, beet pulp from juicing, and some bacon, topped with 2 poached eggs washed down with a glass of 2/3 buttermilk 1/3 golden beet juice. I'm trying to get more fiber in my diet...
I had a BLT and coffee this morning. :)

Andy, I remember blowing out eggs for Easter decorations...it's been years and I kind of forgot about that fun little project. That might be something to do during spring break when all my grands will be here.

SO blew out the eggs then poked a hole in the shell and inserted a little yellow chick so it looked like it was just coming out of the shell


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Homemade cheese blintzes (ricotta and cream cheese filling) with fresh strawberries for me and lingonberry jam for Craig that we picked up at Ikea. Made these for Craig because I've never liked blintzes for some reason. These were the first I didn't absolutely hate but "eh." He really liked them though, which is what counts since they were made for him.

I just don't get it, I liked the crepes. I liked the filling. But put together and browned in butter/vege oil just does something that changes the combo into something I'm not fond of.

Recipe made 8, I completed 2 each, so 4 went into freezer for later use. Think I'll have something else when he wants them again and let him have his blintzes.
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