What is your weather like right now?

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We stopped at 99F today. Still no rain. My county is now under a burn ban, as is almost all of Texas. What that means varies from county to county, city to city, and even different parts within city limits. Where I live, we can still use are outdoor grills. Grass and brush fires aren't as likely in the suburbs, and are easily contained and put out.




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We've got rain that most of you guys want now. Mind you,it's the last month of winter here,springs just around the corner. Temp here is 11 deg Celsius.

Well, CakePoet, it may not make you feel any better, but the whole of California and a lot of the Northwest is on fire here as well. The smoke is now overhanging our area. Looks like smog.

It's hot and worse to come in the next three days.

Caseydog, I know it doesn't look hot when you look at our temps, but you have to remember, I'm on the third floor of a brick building in a west facing room. When it gets hot outside, it gets very hot in here. Think pizza oven. And the heat doesn't go down at night when it cools off outside. Here, the heat keeps rising through the building until about 2am and then it finally starts to cool off.

And it still wouldn't be that hot except that I'm a cold person. I can go out in 40 degree weather and walk around in short sleeves and be perfectly comfortable. But if it gets up past 70, I'm already sweating and way too warm.

Think of the temp you're comfortable at and add 25 degrees. That's what I'm like when it gets to 90. And that's what it'll be here in the next few days.
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Well, CakePoet, it may not make you feel any better, but the whole of California and a lot of the Northwest is on fire here as well. The smoke is now overhanging our area. Looks like smog.

It's hot and worse to come in the next three days.

Caseydog, I know it doesn't look hot when you look at our temps, but you have to remember, I'm on the third floor of a brick building in a west facing room. When it gets hot outside, it gets very hot in here. Think pizza oven. And the heat doesn't go down at night when it cools off outside. Here, the heat keeps rising through the building until about 2am and then it finally starts to cool off.

And it still wouldn't be that hot except that I'm a cold person. I can go out in 40 degree weather and walk around in short sleeves and be perfectly comfortable. But if it gets up past 70, I'm already sweating and way too warm.

Think of the temp you're comfortable at and add 25 degrees. That's what I'm like when it gets to 90. And that's what it'll be here in the next few days.
When I lived in Minneapolis, the first day the temp went above 35°, you could drive by the U of M and see girls sunning themselves in bikinis. I’m not kidding!

I have a very narrow comfort zone when it comes to temperature. Very narrow. Below about 72°, I’m wrapping blankets around myself, and if it gets above 80°, I start to complain about the heat.
We stopped at 99F today. Still no rain. My county is now under a burn ban, as is almost all of Texas. What that means varies from county to county, city to city, and even different parts within city limits. Where I live, we can still use are outdoor grills. Grass and brush fires aren't as likely in the suburbs, and are easily contained and put out.



I'm confused Casey. What do you mean with a "burn ban"? Cripe, if anyone burns anything in tender dry California, they'll be hunted down!!
We have had two day break in the heatwave and it has rained at night, but it still bone dry. My friends has no more water in their well , which odd. Theirs is know as Old faithful and none remember when it was dried last, all papers say that well always have water even when everything else is dry.

Every were there is fires going on, a friend of mine lost their home in Greece, thank God not their life.
Well, CakePoet, it may not make you feel any better, but the whole of California and a lot of the Northwest is on fire here as well. The smoke is now overhanging our area. Looks like smog.

It's hot and worse to come in the next three days.

Caseydog, I know it doesn't look hot when you look at our temps, but you have to remember, I'm on the third floor of a brick building in a west facing room. When it gets hot outside, it gets very hot in here. Think pizza oven. And the heat doesn't go down at night when it cools off outside. Here, the heat keeps rising through the building until about 2am and then it finally starts to cool off.

And it still wouldn't be that hot except that I'm a cold person. I can go out in 40 degree weather and walk around in short sleeves and be perfectly comfortable. But if it gets up past 70, I'm already sweating and way too warm.

Think of the temp you're comfortable at and add 25 degrees. That's what I'm like when it gets to 90. And that's what it'll be here in the next few days.

I completely understand. I don't like the heat, but I have lived in Texas for so long, that I just accept it as normal in the summer. I also insulated the h-ll out my house when I had it built, and have two AC systems, one for each floor, and belong to an electric co-op. My carbon footprint is the size of a ballerina in January, and the size of Shaq's in July.

BTW, my house exterior is almost all brick, and those bricks do hold onto heat. Good in the winter, bad in the summer.

Oh, only 98F today. Must be a cold front. :LOL:

Still no rain. Grass fires all over North Texas, but nothing like what they are getting in California.

Our temps have been in the 90's constantly. I haven't been outside long enough yet during this whole summer. So I am in an AC building constantly. From the vehicle right to inside. Today will be no different.

California. And not just where the fires are. Except for the real southern part, if you are not in the fire zone, you are in the fallout region with you get smog and ash fallout. Everyone out there, please stay safe.
tornado question

was without power for about 14 hours - finally came back on this morning. Plus my internet connection about an hour later.. :D I'm good with the generator running - but the Lennox was installed after the generator and is not on the grid. So although it was pretty damp the temp was dropping a bit and certainly bearable. I had to open windows to get air circulation.

My two biggest worries were the electric fence for the paddocks is also not on the grid and waiting to see my geese flying backwards past the window should the barns collapse.

Luckily the winds passed me by. My son says he was at Cosco and had to dodge wild herds of grocery carts traveling the parking lot looking for unsuspecting prey.

which brings me to my question -
I told him should he receive a tornado warning near his building, open some windows (to prevent implosion?) grab the kids, head for the stairwell, go to the 1st floor (there's no basement) and crouch under the stairs.

Was I correct?
which brings me to my question -
I told him should he receive a tornado warning near his building, open some windows (to prevent implosion?) grab the kids, head for the stairwell, go to the 1st floor (there's no basement) and crouch under the stairs.

Was I correct?

To be precise, it's to prevent breakage from the sudden change of air pressure when a tornado goes by. They should go to a room with no windows, if possible. Another option is in the bathtub. Under the stairs is a good idea as long as they're sheltered from possible flying glass.

I'm glad everyone is okay.
Thanks GG. His Condo is on the 3rd floor, there are no windows at the bottom of the stairs. The stairs are steel.

I said 'implosion' as I believe glass would blow "in" rather than out. In either case you don't want to be in that room!
Thanks GG. His Condo is on the 3rd floor, there are no windows at the bottom of the stairs. The stairs are steel.

I said 'implosion' as I believe glass would blow "in" rather than out. In either case you don't want to be in that room!
Sounds like the safest place they could be.
The last two hours have been one long "Politician's Rainstorm". Lots and lots of noise (thunder) but absolutely nothing to show for it. The temps have dropped a bit, though - from 88 during the heat of the day all the way down to...79. Well, at least the humidity is feeling a bit dryer.
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