What is your weather like right now?

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Summer officially starts tomorrow, but it jumped the gun, here.

Hot and humid. 98F, with a heat index of 119F.

We're having a thunderstorm. It's raining kind of normal now, but it was pouring earlier. Lots of lightning. I checked the weather network and they said partly cloudy. :ermm: They have updated that, eventually.

We had a thunderstorm yesterday too.
Went to bed early (10:30ish) Had heard lots of thunder earlier which gradually increased in volume, it followed me up the stairs til it was at the bottom of my bed.... but not a drop of rain.

When the power went off I checked my phone - oops, there was a ThunderStorm Alert - too bad, so sad - I'd missed it.

and Ha! to you too, Cat. You didn't want to come in so go hide in the barn for the night.

Good Morning All! Starting off as a beautiful day, gradually getting cloudier, rain starting around 9pm. I can live with that.

Saturday scattered thunderstorms. Good day to spend cooking and/or egging.
I don't like it when WeatherBug shows me that tiny cactus...

Not much of a fan when it comes to the "low" of the night being 70 or warmer either. Thank goodness for central A/C! Screenshot_20190704-131539.jpg
Kinda hot and humid here. I'm not going outside. We are expecting thunder storms tomorrow and Saturday.

32°C = 90°F and 36°C = 97°F


  • Screenshot_2019-07-04 Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec 7 Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Network.jpg
    Screenshot_2019-07-04 Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec 7 Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Network.jpg
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not often I'm disappointed with my phone's weather app. Today is an exception. Said it wouldn't rain til 1pm so thought I could get a couple of rows in the garden weeded. :mad: It's raining.
It is hot and humid. 94F right now, with a heat index of 107F.

All next week we will be flirting with triple digits.

We had a sudden hailstorm with almost baseball sized hail, then rain enough to cover everything with two inches of water. Some of the hail left, the bigger pieces and the water is gone...wonder what it's like along the river, but I'm not going to go look.

I've had a cracked windshield since last spring, you'd think that hail like that would finish the job...nope! Mom and Dad, though, lost the windshield on the Mini Cooper (5 holes) and had some hail damage to the truck windshield, enough to get it replaced.

During the hailstorm it sounded like the attic was full of giants playing basketball and I could hear the hail hitting the truck. I don't see any dents on the truck, either. I've never seen anything like that, it was amazing.
We had a sudden hailstorm with almost baseball sized hail, then rain enough to cover everything with two inches of water. Some of the hail left, the bigger pieces and the water is gone...wonder what it's like along the river, but I'm not going to go look.

I've had a cracked windshield since last spring, you'd think that hail like that would finish the job...nope! Mom and Dad, though, lost the windshield on the Mini Cooper (5 holes) and had some hail damage to the truck windshield, enough to get it replaced.

During the hailstorm it sounded like the attic was full of giants playing basketball and I could hear the hail hitting the truck. I don't see any dents on the truck, either. I've never seen anything like that, it was amazing.

Oh, no!!! A MINI Cooper casualty. If the windshield got holes, I'm guessing the whole car is covered with dents. :(

PF, you may want to have your house roof checked by your insurance company, but be wary of roofers who knock on your door. Here in North Texas, hailstorms are common, and fly-by-night "roofers" swoop in like vultures.

Wow PF, that does sound impressive. Was it scary?

They are not scary, unless you live in an apartment where your brand new Mustang GT is parked outside. Yeah, been there, done that, got more dents than I could count. :ermm::(

They are not scary, unless you live in an apartment where your brand new Mustang GT is parked outside. Yeah, been there, done that, got more dents than I could count. :ermm::(


:LOL: I have visions of you running outside and throwing yourself over top of your car, crying:

"NO NO, it's OK baby I"m here to protect you!"​
Oh, no!!! A MINI Cooper casualty. If the windshield got holes, I'm guessing the whole car is covered with dents. :(

PF, you may want to have your house roof checked by your insurance company, but be wary of roofers who knock on your door. Here in North Texas, hailstorms are common, and fly-by-night "roofers" swoop in like vultures.


I went and checked the Mini this morning, no holes but the glass is cracked all over. Dad may be able to see enough to get it into town for replacement. The dents are numerous and several of the plastic grills have been knocked out. The truck fared better, but will need a new windshield.

I already know a reputable roofer, he will get the job. Still have not checked the roof, we are expecting another storm momentarily, so will wait until it's nice.
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