What is your weather like right now?

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Rain here and in the mid 70's. Darling Son #1 left the passenger side window open enough last night to soak the seat. Took me shopping this morning. My bottom is still wrinkled and soaking. (I can hear you laughing!) :angel:
It was a hot 94 F in SE S.D. today. It is cooling down nicely, should be great sleeping weather.
Wow, beautiful photo.

It's overcast here and there is rain in the forecast. I guess we will be getting your rain. I hope it's a good drenching. It's so dry here that the weeds are dying and the creeping charlies are all wilted.
We got several hours of steady rain. My violets are revived and so are the creeping charlies.

Today was muggy and warmer than ideal. Kinda nice right now.
Our weeds revived nicely too, with a half inch of rain early this morn. It was hot and humid again today here along the river.
Rain here and in the mid 70's. Darling Son #1 left the passenger side window open enough last night to soak the seat. Took me shopping this morning. My bottom is still wrinkled and soaking. (I can hear you laughing!) :angel:

I think is was just wet....:LOL::ROFLMAO:
PrincessFiona60 said:
What is a Creeping Charlie? :ermm:

A nasty weed that will take over everything, it has an underground root system like a net, and it vines out. Has an attractive purple flower spike. Not a lot of weed killers work on it. We hand yank it. Our neighbor boy brought it over from their lawn when he mowed our lawn with their rider when we were on vacation a couple years ago.
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A nasty weed that will take over everything, it has an underground root system like a net, and it vines out. Has an attractive purple flower spike. Not a lot of weed killers work on it. We hand yank it. Our neighbor boy brought it over from their lawn when he mowed our lawn with their rider when we were on vacation a couple years ago.

Sounds like someone I know...:ROFLMAO:
What is a Creeping Charlie? :ermm:
It's a lovely invasive weed with pretty little blue/purple flowers. I like them. They stay green when the grass is turning brown. To give you an idea of the size, those little round leaves are about an inch in diameter. These pix were taken at the end of May.


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It's a lovely invasive weed with pretty little blue/purple flowers. I like them. They stay green when the grass is turning brown. To give you an idea of the size, those little round leaves are about an inch in diameter. These pix were taken at the end of May.

Why are weeds so pretty? Thanks TL!
Here is a link to our fire that's causing so much smoke: Sawtooth Fire | KPAX.com | Missoula, Montana

I have heard of Sawtooth. There is a series on PBS of a woman who has a love affair with the wild mustags and that is one of the places she has mentioned. I also have read about it in books. She was following the story of Cloud, a white stallion.

One time when my son was a paramedic, he went out west to one of the wildfires to relieve a crew for one month. He ended up staying for three. He told me that the firefighters would come in with some serious burns where a large piece of burning wood or other matter would fall on them or get under their protective clothing. He would fix them up and they would go right back to the lines. In civilian life, those burns would have required a trip to the hospital. Most of the men only required oxygen from inhaling too much smoke. And back to the lines. Good Bless Everyone of Them. :angel:
It has been raining here since 7:30 this morning. We need it so bad!!! It is cooler too. Didn't get up to 60 degrees today.
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