What is your weather like right now?

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Raw, chillyish cold, intermittent misty rain. 42ºF. Spike went to a Red Sox game tonight. I doubt they will stay the whole time though. He went with a friend that is blind. A friend of his gave him the tickets. Felt like staying at home tonight. More of the same tomorrow. :angel:
Finally got up to 50 degrees just a little while ago. Snow melted off today. Is it spring yet? :innocent:
It was just snowing here a while ago, too.
I'm not sure if that's better than the rain or not.
Not bad. 54° F, and we got a walk in. The sun shone today here along the river!
It went up to 20C (68F) today! woohoo! I have the patio door open. Shreddy has already climbed the screen once. He has a bad case of spring fever. Happens every year.
We got up to 57° F, and sunny with a strong wind. Just got back from our walk, the wind's died down and it's 51°. And dark.
It got up to between 65 and 70 this afternoon and beautiful sunshine. Once the sun started to go down, though, it started getting chilly again.
Very hot, humid and sultry (max temperature is 37degree Celsius and 83% humidity) . I was sick due to the heat. It is not possible to remain always in AC. Cooking is like punishment in summer.
78°F and that big yellow thing was out in a clear blue sky...totally ruined my gloomy day and was edging on too hot! Anyone got an iceberg for sale???
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