What is your weather like right now?

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I'm sure the official word for our weather on Wednesday was "blah". Woke to clouds, drove to the store in drizzle, hauled my grocery cart of stuff to the car in a driving rain. I'd rather have 30 degrees and snow than 35 degrees and rain. This kind of weather chills to the bone. It's all downhill now until early Friday morning when it's expected to bottom out at 8. Brr! Tucked into our warm home and not going anywhere until I see sunshine again!
Cold and calm.
I sure hope it warms up tomorrow like they said and melts all this new snow.
It is bright and sunny BUT cold and with the wind, even colder. The driveway is still drifted in and the girls are still in the coop. I am about to bring them warm oatmeal and warm water. I don't think they'll want to come out today.
We're on our latest downhill trek in the temperature department. Headed for low single digits tonight. We also had more wind than snow early today - just enough of a dusting to hide the pavement and dirty snow. It's also been so cold AND windy that we had some of our driveway snow "melted" via sublimation. No sense in leaf-blowing the rest off since it's supposed to be full sun and upper 30s tomorrow. And so the roller coaster ride goes this winter. :wacko:
We got up to a sunny, windy 53°F here along the river. Just got back from a nice walk.
Wacky weather is right. It's a smidgen warmer now than it was this afternoon, but it's going to get quite cold overnight and mild tomorrow.
It's 34°F now. We went for a walk earlier when it was 50°, sunny, and breezy.
68F now, low of mid 50's tonight, and getting into the low 80's during the day.

I'm so looking forward to the joyful posts that so many of you will be making soon, once the snow is gone! It must seem, at times, that it will never end! :ermm::ohmy:
Yesterday was beautiful, it was still 32 F at 7pm. Snow has gone down noticeably, although the geese are still eyeing one section of fencing that is drooping.

Haven't lit a fire in a couple of days. May have to tonight thou if the sun doesn't warm up the house enough, or if there is a breeze. Right now it is about 7 F expecting it to go up to 12F. The sun is shining and everything is right with my world.
24F, supposed to get to 57F. Chilly in the apartment, right now. Nothing a well placed space heater and a fleece blanket won't fix.
We supposed to get more snow tomorrow. Eh, enough already.

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