What is your weather like right now?

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We have a 96 degree afternoon with nary a breeze.

50% chance of rain tomorrow...crossing fingers.

Take care Wasabi, stay safe.
It's about 93 today and after the 11-12 days of killer heat 100-112 it's like spring:) The heat wave we had really did a number on the flowers,shrubs,garden veggies, they look so tired..

kadesma, I heard on the radio that about 130 or so folks have died because of the heat out there.

My sympathies to all our California friends. Try to keep cool.
I also sympathize with those in California, and other areas that are having triple digit temps. It's been hot here too, but 90 is about the hottest we've had so far, though our humidity is ridiculous. We had thunderstorms today and lost power for about 20 minutes which was fine because it was daytime, though it got really hot without any fans or ac. I was right in the middle of canning jam when the power went out:mad: Managed to can it safely though, jars sealed just fine.
mudbug said:
kadesma, I heard on the radio that about 130 or so folks have died because of the heat out there.

My sympathies to all our California friends. Try to keep cool.
Thanks mudbug, I have been. Yes the biggest number of deaths being in my county area..These were elderly, homeless and infirm who bless them didn't want to or couldn't afford to run their A/c units..The people here have set up or opend up places for them to come to that are cool so this is helping some.
We've had the a/c going night and day through all of this, stepping out side was like having a heavy rug thrown over your head with no air left, it almost gagged you. Today is much better..
rain is pouring down..it's getting darker and darker, I had to switch on the light, although it's half ten in the morning.....
by now it can stop raining... four weeks is enough.. *sigh*
thank god sc, because the neighbor's wife was starting to get upset. :cool: (j/k)

it is crappy and drizzly out here today. same goes for tomorrow. i didn't get the grass seed down on the bare patches in time, or otherwise, it would be a nice, cool, refreshing rain.
It's still quite dark, but I hear light rain and drizzle on the street outside. I expect some fog as I cross the TappanZee as well. This is a day to stay home.:ermm:
UGH. We've had rain for days now. I get a little cranky when I can't see some sun. Yesterday drizzled til early evening then the skies opened and we got about 2 inches in an hour. Its steady today and still nasty out. Cold too. I really don't like rain at this time of year. It messes with getting the garden harvested.
It's been raining all week but today seems sunny expect no rain. At least I can go out and garden a bit and kids can go on with their ball practice.
Finally, the weather is becoming more agreeable. After a typical summer of extremely high humidity (upper 80%) and temps topping 100 degrees F, we're finally being treated to nice low humidity (60%) and temps only about 75 degrees F. It's invigorating and we were more than ready for the change.

It's sunny and beautiful today. The sky is the most amazing shade of blue without a cloud. Light breeze, too, once in a while.

My husband and I usually sit out on our big front porch in the evenings, so tonight should be just about perfect. I'm truly a "fall" person.

It was partially sunny/cloudy yesterday with the high about 68F, then it rained during the night. Going on noon here, it's 63F and overcast. I got the gleaners into my garden just in time. All the jalapenos [and plants] are gone and there isn't a ripe tomato to be seen. Still have oodles of green tomatoes though and the gleaners will be back in a week or two. Our local Food Basket has gleaners that'll come out and clear the garden for you...nice.
Our weather here in the San Fernando Valley is in the 80's. It is really nice out today in Southern California.

Will go for a swim later.

Jill and Jolie
Its been nice and sunny here today, I live right on the coast so i enjoyed a walk along the beach.

its getting colder in the evening though.
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