What is your weather like right now?

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I'm strictly lump and hardwood, the extra work has never bothered me, fact I revel in it.

That extra work is the deal breaker, this is the first time I would like to have a propane grill.

Your in NW Pa? I'm in NE Ohio, have you seen the Radar?

More coming our way.

Ahhh, a "purist" :)

Looks like more blue stuff heading our way :huh:
I wish it was 15 and clear as a bell here again. The past few days certainly felt better than 30 with snow and a lotta wind.
Sunny and cold but it is suppose to get up to 55 on Monday, then temp drops the rest of the week. I long for Spring and warmer weather.
It's 71 now, cold front moving in suppose to cause severe storms tonight. It is going to be in the 40's-50's high tomorrow.
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