What is your weather like right now?

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Cold, a little windy, some rain here and there. DW is out in the garden trying to get some stuff done, and buggin me to come see what she has gotten accomplished.
A little sun but only 53F. Should have some light rain later today then rain most of the week. I'm starting to realize I probably won't see much sun until I get home in June!
30 degrees and mostly dark......
I keep missing the weather but I doubt we'll get past 50 today.
This is just wrong I should have had at least 2 mild sunburns by now!!!!!
Today we had the rare tornado (actually 3 of them) come through the area. We don't usually see them except in front of a hurricane. They did some major damage. My home and neighborhood are fine but I was driving to class when the tornado hit. I witnessed the tornado forming and touching down from my car. It was frightening for sure. I've never seen anything like it before. No one was killed but 200 are injured.
Today we had the rare tornado (actually 3 of them) come through the area. We don't usually see them except in front of a hurricane. They did some major damage. My home and neighborhood are fine but I was driving to class when the tornado hit. I witnessed the tornado forming and touching down from my car. It was frightening for sure. I've never seen anything like it before. No one was killed but 200 are injured.

No question, jabbur, tornadoes are something to respect. Buck and I live in an area that regularly has damaging tornadoes. Had one go over our house a few years ago. Can't even describe the event. Suffice it to say, the dust bunnies in the house were flying freely.

As far as our current weather, we must be experiencing "Indian winter." Unseasonably cool, with a frost warning for tonight. At the moment it's 45F, which is chilly for most folks here. I plan on covering my veggie plants before I go to bed...just in case.
clear today, still cold.
I am considering becoming a hermit 'til its 80 on a regular basis.
Good ole' Mich. weather - blink and it will change - cold front coming through, 52' now - could get down to 29" tonight !! Brrrrrr :(
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This may sound bad, and really I am not a violent person, but I am getting to the point I wanna grab Ol Man Winters cane away from him and beat him over the head with it till it warms up outside...
Does that sound bad??
All this tornado talk reminds me of growing up when we would sit out on the front porch and watch the tornadoes forming, touching down, skipping by, or just plain dissipating after a short time. In lightening storms my dad would dare us to stand out front on a tree stump and raise our hands for five minutes before coming in, I was the only one that would do it... good times.
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