What is your weather like right now?

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Sunny, but so windy it's cold and they are saying by thursday it should be about 100..Yeah right..

It's been absolutely gorgeous and warm here for close to a week now! But of course it won't last....the rain is coming back end of the week.
It's 4:05a.m., on 05/13/08, 68 degrees F., and humid. It's been running 89 -91 degrees F. the past 1 1/2 weeks. No rain in weeks, and we're in a high fire warning period. We're down to 1 day a week water restriction. But I don't mind a brown lawn. I could be alot worse. Some here don't want to play by the rules - and we all pay higher water bills because of it. They want their pristine porperty. I guess they really don't believe we all could run out of drinking water. What cha gonna do?
it has finally stopped raining and the sun has come out. tis cool, about 50*F. I have been weeding the vegetable garden and raspberry patch this morning, taking advantage of the soft soil.
cloudy, low 60's, going to rain soon.
Just finished turning over the garden that the corn, squash and punkins will go into.
It's 80. But it's very muggy, so the air is still kicking on from time to time. ( I HATE my electric bill - but I breath better)
This weather seems to breed No-See-Ums and the dog and I are already fed up, and eatin' up.

Is it November yet?
It's freezing here... well, relatively speaking.
It might get into the fifties today, the wind looks to be gusting into the thirties, it has been raining off and on for the last few days and my grass is about 4" high.... :(
I hate mowing when it's this cold and windy, but this afternoon looks like the only window I'll have.
it was so sunny when I left to run my errands, but now 2 hours and 100 miles later I'm back, and the clouds I found down in the cities seem to have followed me home :(
Now flower planting and edging finishing today. bummer.
86F here, blue skies with a few feathery clouds and a nice ocean breeze blowing. Humidity only about 65%, but that will go up as evening approaches. Still pretty cool on our shady patio, though.
A spattering of clouds, but it's still 96-7 here a lot cooler than last week when we hit 106...At least my porch is in the shade so it was not bad planting the planters out there...Now I get to bake cookies yippeeeeee
Beautiful day here today. Unseasonably cool. Only about 70F. It's usually consistently at least 80F by now. Low humidity. That's unusual, too. Clear, clear, clear blue sky. Bit of a breeze. Picture perfect. I'll take it!! Porch settin' has been divine.
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