What is your weather like right now?

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We got our Christmas snow! It started a little before midnight last night. It has slowed way down and is barely falling now, and it won't stick around long, but I'm glad we had at least this one day of it. Cubbie LOVES it!



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    Cubbie in the Christmas Snow 12-26-10 004.jpg
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    Cubbie in the Christmas Snow 12-26-10 012.jpg
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It's been pouring here. Heavy rain. Woke up this morning to a flooded garage.. :ohmy:

Good news is anything that got wet didn't belong to me :LOL:
It's 12F and I heard the snow plow and the shovelers out there earlier...I haven't looked outside.
It's -2C (~29F)! That's barely winter. Someone on the news said that Europe is having a Canadian winter and we are having a European one.
Finally a sunny day today. It has been overcast for several days, and yesterday I looked out the window and could see a little bit of peekaboo blue for a little while.

It's been comfortable enough temperature wise lately, but the wind has changed to out of the north 9-12 mph. It's 42 degrees, and the windows are barely cracked for fresh air.

I'm glad to see this thread back. I tried several times to find it but kept getting "not found" for weather. Go figure. At least now it will be on my subscribed threads list again. It's almost normal now since it got wiped out awhile ago.
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Seeing that Minnesota song video made me realize how spoiled I am!!
Snow + me = :(
Our weather right now is is 36F, & drizzly rain on & off.
It's been snowing very lightly for about the last 5-6 hours. And I do mean lightly. We've only got about an inch at the most on the ground. I know I am getting old because these days I really appreciate light winters. If global warming is responsible for it I may start using more aerosol cans!
51F right now. Nice open window weather. The wind has swung around toward the south, so it should stay comfortable all day.

There's a light rain falling.
51F right now. Nice open window weather. The wind has swung around toward the south, so it should stay comfortable all day.

There's a light rain falling.
Our temp went down 2 degrees!! It's now 21F!
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