What to serve with Pot au Feu?

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Washing Up
Oct 16, 2004
Boston area
Every year, my family picks a different country, region, or ethnicity and makes a four- or five-course meal from that type of cuisine.

This year, we are doing "country French" and the main even is pot au feu. Here's the recipe we've chosen, which may not be stictly traditional, but we like it http://frenchfood.about.com/od/beefveal/r/potaufeu1.htm

Looks like the broth and baguette should served as a first course, so that takes care of that. Should we have some sort of salad with it? If so, what?

Or do you think salad is too much, since we'll be having appetizers and dessert, too?

I've been looking for an occasion to make this dish since I saw Martha make it on TV years ago!

It sounds delish. I always think salad is a nice thing to have with any meal. How about a spinach salad, served in a cheese bowl?
I've only ever eaten it served with French breads on the side, to dip into the gravy.
Qsis, I think a dish like that calls for only the slightest hint of a salad, if any. Perhaps some steamed fresh asparagus spears, marinated in a nice vinagrette, served on a lettuce leaf with a bit of pimento or roasted red pepper over the top.
I would consider a fruit and cheese tray for dessert. If you can find some fresh figs, they would be a wonderful thing to include.
I think, if I were serving this, I'd want the attention to be right one tha main part, the cornichons, aioli and vinegrette and some nice french bread for the juices should be more than enough...Then I'd just finish the meal with some fruits like pears, apple, figs and a nice cheese. You're making a wonderful dinner, I'd love to be there. Whatever you decide, your family will be quite happy and pleased.

Let us know how it went.


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