What will be Growing in 2015?

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I started my seeds at the beginning of February. So far I've got peppers (Cali wonder, jalapenos, habeneros, scotch bonnets, poblanos), onions (yellow & white bunching), spinach, lettuce (red looseleaf, buttercrunch,mesclun mix), beans, pumpkins (small sugars, Caspars, Jack be little), basil (sweet & dark opal) and goji berries. This is my first time growing the berries, but my little spouts are looking good.

I've also started some flowers - snapdragons, pansies, portulacas, penny black nemophilla, and a couple varieties of poppy (Shirley mixed & Cali mission bells).

Once it warms up outside, I'm also going to direct sow dill, cilantro, corn, carrots, cucumbers, and peas. This year I'm trading my container gardening for an actual garden, as we moved into a home with a great backyard last year. I have been bursting at the seams all winter thinking about my garden this year. Can't wait to get out there!!
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Awesome, vanitas! I can just feel your excitement about growing things. I'm happy to hear about everyone's gardening plans this year. Keep in touch!
I started my seeds at the beginning of February. So far I've got peppers (Cali wonder, jalapenos, habeneros, scotch bonnets, poblanos), onions (yellow & white bunching), spinach, lettuce (red looseleaf, buttercrunch,mesclun mix), beans, pumpkins (small sugars, Caspars, Jack be little), basil (sweet & dark opal) and goji berries. This is my first time growing the berries, but my little spouts are looking good.

I've also started some flowers - snapdragons, pansies, portulacas, penny black nemophilla, and a couple varieties of poppy (Shirley mixed & Cali mission bells).

Once it warms up outside, I'm also going to direct sow dill, cilantro, corn, carrots, cucumbers, and peas. This year I'm trading my container gardening for an actual garden, as we moved into a home with a great backyard last year. I have been bursting at the seams all winter thinking about my garden this year. Can't wait to get out there!!
Oh my, you are ambitious for the first year! The pansies (flowers) are lovely in salads. Add some nasturtiums to your flower beds (direct seed). The leaves and flowers add that peppery bite to salads that you get from arugula or watercress. Be sure to plant your pepper plants far enough apart (varieties) so they don't cross pollinate. If they cross pollinate, you can end up with sweet "hot" peppers and vice versa. Or, not knowing which are hot and which are not. Been there, done that. You can practice three sisters and put squash/pumpkin and beans in with the sweet corn.
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A request to you gardeners -- please find a spot for some milkweed. I know the plants can be invasive, but they are the host food of our beautiful Monarch butterfly caterpillars, which will not eat your veggies.


  • 1 - Monarchs and Milkweeds Mar 13 2015.JPG
    1 - Monarchs and Milkweeds Mar 13 2015.JPG
    211.1 KB · Views: 384

I bought one gallon plants this time, and put them in the beginning of February. I have unripe tomatoes on them now. I have a Celebrity and an Early Girl.
I have very limited space to plant here
Souschef, I bought already established tomato plants this year too, rather than planting from seed, and also have limited space for planting so have to resort to container gardening. Mine were in little pint sized pots and about 3" tall when I bought them. They're over a foot tall now, have little grape sized tomatoes and doing great. I tried Early Girl and didn't have much luck, unfortunately, so went with patios, which I've had good luck with.

Here's hoping to a good tomato harvest for those of us with limited gardening space! :)
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A request to you gardeners -- please find a spot for some milkweed. I know the plants can be invasive, but they are the host food of our beautiful Monarch butterfly caterpillars, which will not eat your veggies.

Indeed. I let my wild milkweed grow, and fling the seed in my little wildflower garden. The seedless pods make for some cool decorations.
CWS, "saps" have been running in my neighborhood for weeks. :LOL:

It may not be a "luxury" to grow your own veggies, but I think it is a blessing. Whether she was growing vegetables, flowers, or weeds, my Mom made sure when she planted in the spring she also "planted" her favorite garden sign:

Kiss of the sun for pardon. Song of the birds for mirth. You're closer to God's heart in a garden than any place else on earth. ~ Dorothy Frances Gurney (1858 - 1932)
February was the 2nd coldest month on record here since 1900. It was brutal. We tapped the maple trees and some birch trees on Friday.
February was the 2nd coldest month on record here since 1900. It was brutal. We tapped the maple trees and some birch trees on Friday.
We had record cold and snowfall too. They just started tapping maples around here about a week ago. The "saps" I referred to were the neighborhood joggers.

Note to self: a joke is not funny if you have to explain it. :ermm:
Roundup is banned in Ontario (farmers can buy it, as can golf courses). It kept under lock and key at the garden centres. Our milkweed has purplish-white flowers and grows everywhere.
We had record cold and snowfall too. They just started tapping maples around here about a week ago. The "saps" I referred to were the neighborhood joggers.

Note to self: a joke is not funny if you have to explain it. :ermm:
That went over my head--since I think of saps as being maple and birch!

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