What's cooking Thursday 10/6/2016?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I am planning individual mini chicken pot pies and salad for dinner. Trader Joe's apple cider to drink (really good cider). Trader Joe's pumpkin rolls with pumpkin icing (first time hope their good) for dessert ?.
I love TJ's Apple Cider. Yum.

I was looking for their Spiced Pear Cider a few days ago and I couldn't find it. I hope they didn't discontinue it.
Will be re-heating some lasagna from the freezer. Also the standard to use up fresh tomatoes; chopped tomatoes mixed with fresh pesto. Sounds like we need some garlic read, or maybe toast spread with pesto?
We will have more of the extra-hot-chili-that-will-not-die. And lots of cheddar cheese and crackers with it. It quells the heat somewhat.

Thankfully, DH's cousin visited us overnight, loved my chili, so we sent him off with two pints of it. Along with plenty of cheddar cheese and crackers.
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Tuna melt on rye that I was going to have the other night, but went with tacos instead. Sides will just be munchies of sliced raw carrots, celery, cucumber, and radishes.
Grilled rib eyes and glorified salads.

Hope I can get them seared in this annoying devil wind, otherwise known as the Santa Ana's.:furious:
I should be thankful, as it's the only weather complaint we have once in a while.

I'm thinking of Med and Craig right now.
I've had a small pork loin piece nestled into a blanket of sauerkraut simmering in the slow cooker all afternoon. Will serve that over mashed potatoes, with a side of fresh-made apple sauce and a helping of anxiety*. Spent the afternoon shopping to keep my mind of tonight's game.

* My Cleveland Indians are playing Andy's Boston Red Sox in the first game of Round One in the playoff series.
I am planning individual mini chicken pot pies and salad for dinner. Trader Joe's apple cider to drink (really good cider). Trader Joe's pumpkin rolls with pumpkin icing (first time hope their good) for dessert ?.

The pot pies turned out perfect. The mini pie plates hold a half cup. I got exactly two cups of filling (four servings). I used Trader Joe's pie crust for the first time and it is great. Rocket salad on the side and dessert will be TJ's pumpkin cheesecake when it thaws out.
It was a weird day for us today.
Didn't know that Mr. Landlord had scheduled a repair team into
our section of the house to pull out the old and install a totally new
Heating system for the whole house... access to this was in our living room.
Guys were suppose to show up at 8am, they didn't arrive until 1130am and left finally at 4pm!
Dinner was leftover Cod Vera Cruz Style and steamed white rice.
Mrs. Landlord said that her plate last night was "beautiful and delicious" ... Mister Landlord won't eat fish, he says he's a true desert rat... don't know what he ate :LOL:
I think I hit one out of the ballpark tonight.

I made a roux and since I didn't have any cream, I just added milk to it. When it was thickened, I added a cup of Parmesan cheese and some parsley and pepper. Then I poured it over some cubed ham and potato slices, mixed the whole thing together, and put it all in a casserole dish. And into the oven it went.

That has got to be the tastiest dish I've done yet since I started cooking two years ago. I've gotta do this one again sometime!
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