What's for Dinner Friday, July 23rd?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Well, DH and I will be seeing each other coming and going all day, but I am really hoping we can get the chicken which is finally thawed on the spit today. I will be using a roasted garlic lime marinade/basting sauce I have been dying to try. If we don't get it on in time we will be grabbing whatever we feel like out of the fridge once more!

What is your dinner going to look like tonight?
I will be grilling bone-in chicken breast halves with skin on for dinner tonight. We'll have cocktails on the deck while they are cooking.
pork chop pounded a bit with garlic pwd. chili pwd. and onion pwd rubbed into the chop, cooking it on george forman grill. pasta with spinach , very good and done mostly in skillet. no other veg. need to cut down on food i eat. fruit for dessert. i had forgotten how the little grill makes such tasty protein. hadn't used it for a while.
pork chop pounded a bit with garlic pwd. chili pwd. and onion pwd rubbed into the chop, cooking it on george forman grill. pasta with spinach , very good and done mostly in skillet. no other veg. need to cut down on food i eat. fruit for dessert. i had forgotten how the little grill makes such tasty protein. hadn't used it for a while.

looking through magazine about healthy eating. found recipe for corn cakes using whole kernel corn. so am making that also. got everything all ready, chopped etc. just not hungry yet.
I've been preparing for a breakfast tomorrow morning for some out of town long time friends, plus shining up the house. I'm beat and dog tired.

We have some finally ripe home grown matters......whoo hoo.
I'll be putting together a couple of huge BLT's for dinner with a twist.
L=languistino (mixed with mayo and lemon juice)
T=tomato, home grown
some lettuce too,

on toasted bakery sesame seed buns. Homemade coleslaw for the side, that I made yesterday.
Well, DH and I will be seeing each other coming and going all day, but I am really hoping we can get the chicken which is finally thawed on the spit today. I will be using a roasted garlic lime marinade/basting sauce I have been dying to try. If we don't get it on in time we will be grabbing whatever we feel like out of the fridge once more!

Had some running around to do and ended up at the Asian Market......love that place!!! I picked up a variety of sushi, some Vietnamese summer rolls and BBQ salmon. T'was a veritible feast and we even got to eat it together! :)

The chicken wasn't quite thawed anyway so will wait until tomorrow.
We have some finally ripe home grown matters......whoo hoo.
I'll be putting together a couple of huge BLT's for dinner with a twist.
L=languistino (mixed with mayo and lemon juice)
T=tomato, home grown
some lettuce too, on toasted bakery sesame seed buns. Homemade coleslaw for the side, that I made yesterday.

Kayelle, that sounds marvelous!!! Will keep that one in mind. The market I was at had some languistinos - we haven't had them for a long time!
It was deeeeeeee licous LB !!
Got the idea from a fabulous little seaside joint near San Diego some time ago. There it was bacon, lobster and tomato. To die for!
Quite a twist on a BLT !

looking through magazine about healthy eating. found recipe for corn cakes using whole kernel corn. so am making that also. got everything all ready, chopped etc. just not hungry yet.

Pork Chops, Corn Fritters, we sure are on the same wave length lately!
Went to a Taste of Edmonton today and ate bits of all kinds of things. Bacon wrapped tenderloin, deep fried wontons stuffed with crab and cream cheese, cracking shrimp balls, crab cakes, bison burger, chile lime prawns, leprechaun pie, cannoli, white chocolate raspberry gelati, beef skewer with hummus and parsley salad, canada maki, and finally chocolate covered strawberries.
This was our dinner... breakfast.... scrambled eggs with green onion and ham, home-fries, bacon and toast. That is often the case when I
can't get creative enough.


if your chops were tender , please tell me what you do and what kind of chops they are. my corn things were really good . more like a pancake that anything else.

I haven't had them yet. I have just been thinking about them. I work evenings and I don't always get around to fixing what I think about. The "Corn Fritters" I make are more like a pancake too. I found a recipe for some with zucchini plus some unnecessary herbs. I might just add the zucchini some time.
I don't buy boneless pork chops, they always seem to be tough when purchased that way. I usually buy bone-in or a whole pork loin when it goes on sale and cut it myself. I have never had tough boneless chops that way. That reminds me. I think I will dig out the small roast I cut off last time as I did buy potatoes the other day......
Pork Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Sauerkraut and Green Beans. But it will have to be for Monday. It needs time to thaw.:chef:
I haven't had them yet. I have just been thinking about them. I work evenings and I don't always get around to fixing what I think about. The "Corn Fritters" I make are more like a pancake too. I found a recipe for some with zucchini plus some unnecessary herbs. I might just add the zucchini some time.
I don't buy boneless pork chops, they always seem to be tough when purchased that way. I usually buy bone-in or a whole pork loin when it goes on sale and cut it myself. I have never had tough boneless chops that way. That reminds me. I think I will dig out the small roast I cut off last time as I did buy potatoes the other day......
Pork Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Sauerkraut and Green Beans. But it will have to be for Monday. It needs time to thaw.:chef:
Scratch that. No pork roast left in the freezer. I took out pork chops instead. Parsley Potatoes or Scalloped????
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