What's For Dinner? ~ Oct. 25 2022

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon

In another thread, the topic is Soup ... It's what's for dinner here.
S&S brand Saimin (yes I said Saimin, different from Ramen-unique to Hawaii)
Trader Joe's Pork & Veggie Dumplings
Baby Bok Choi
Homemade Char Siu
Kamaboko aka Japanese style steamed Fish Cake
And loads of chopped Green Onions
The broth or Dashi is Shoyu
Who would have thought that a bowl of Soup would make you this full!
THAT was ONO (that's Hawaiian for delicious)!!
It is a very very 100% rainy day. The scales warn I should not eat comfort cozy food so I managed to avoid those. Chicken patty ham & cheese sandwich and cherry turnover.
Produce basket delivery today, so we planned an easy meal. We ordered from our favourite Greek resto, because when we wanted to order on Saturday, they were closed and our taste buds were eagerly waiting for those yummy Greek flavours. We shared an appetizer of fried calamari and a "★ BAD BOY MIXED GRILL ★ chicken Oregano, 2 lambchops, 1 souvlaki" which included a salad, roasted potatoes, and rice pilaf. There was enough food that we have enough leftovers to snack on. It was very enjoyable.
Goober had a few photos in an art exhibit at a cancer care center (art is therapy), so we stopped by to admire his and other photos, then took the boy out to eat. There is a local wing-and-burger place called Winking Lizard that has decent food - and ribs, which is what I had a taste for and ordered. While Himself went with a burger, Goober had an assortment of boneless wings...and kept eyeing my ribs. :D Rather than take them home for our supper tomorrow, I packed those ribs off with the boy.
Wally's World had whole chickens on sale at $1.99 a lb. Got an almost 4 pounder! Roasted that in my toaster oven. Quartered, set them aside. And picked the wings & bones, which was enough for my tummy. Delish!
I know some of the breast is going to become Hot Chicken Sandwiches. Haven't decided what to do with the rest yet.

Also made some creamed spinach, but was so busy picking the bones I completely forgot it. :D Guess it will go with whatever I decide to do with the rest.
Our local grocery often has whole fresh chickens for 0.99 a lb. When they do I stock up on two or three. Fortunately My husband is a fan of the white meat and I like the dark, so there is very little chicken left after two meals!
Tonight is spaghetti carbonara with herb and onion bread, and a light salad. It's chilly today and we need some comfort food. Is there any food as comforting as Italian?
I had to work yesterday, so I took down some leftover vegetable soup for supper last night. Had a peanut butter sandwich with it. .5 Costco blueberry muffin and a short walk for dessert.
We see 99¢/Lb chickens regularly and stock up. I always look for the smallest ones, 4 pounds or less but they are rarer than hens teeth.
Roast butterflied leg of lamb (marinated in lemon juice, oil, fresh garlic, salt, ground pepper, and house blend seasoning), mashed potatoes, spinach, and lemon garlic pan gravy.

$.99 a lb.... I wish! even with the exchange don't think I'll ever see that price again.
If I had more ambition, I'd buy a bunch of small 99¢ chickens and break them down and package breasts, thighs, wings and a whole bunch of bones and stuff for stock.

. . . but I don't.
Andy, that is actually what I do. The on-sale whole chickens are cut up, the backs, wings, and ribs are put into a large plastic freezer bag and used to make stock. The parts are in individual freezer bags, labeled, and used as needed. We eat a lot of chicken!
Andy, that is actually what I do. The on-sale whole chickens are cut up, the backs, wings, and ribs are put into a large plastic freezer bag and used to make stock. The parts are in individual freezer bags, labeled, and used as needed. We eat a lot of chicken!
That's great. To clarify, I don't do large batches of on sale chickens at once. However, I do 1 or 2 at a time.
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