What's in your refrigerator door?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Mar 17, 2010
south central coast/California
Most of us have lots of bottles that take up room in the refrigerator, ordinary stuff that we use for cooking like mustard, soy sauce, etc.
What do you have in there that some of us may not have heard about?

Here's my example: Salsa Lizano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I first found this on a restaurant table in Costa Rica. It's quite unique in flavor, and although I can't find it here, I get it through the internet I like it so much. It's wonderful for cooking in many things, like in the meatballs I made last night.

What do you have in your fridge door that might not be in mine?
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I have a bottle of a sauce called Tamarina Sauce. It's a tamarind based sauce i use for dipping steamed Chinese dumplings.


  • Tamarind_sauce.jpg
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I have about 12 types of mustard and 6 jars of horseradish.

May I stray from the subject and ask how long horseradish in a jar stays good...I have a jar that's over a year old by now. How can I tell when it's time to throw it out?

While I'm at it, how long is the 'door life' of soy sauce?

This is the newest thing in my door.
doña maria.jpg

And it's supposed to last a good long time, too, which is good.

Six kinds of horseradish?! :ohmy:
(I don't have any)

I've used some pretty old soy sauce that was kept in a cupboard. Just sayin' :angel:
On one side: Milk, juice, butter, some pine nuts and a dark chocolate milky way bar

On the other:
4 or 5 mustards and hot sauces, rose water, ketchup, pickled ginger, SAF yeast, a bottle of champagne, and I found can of air (for cleaning electronics) when I looked to make this list! It's been missing for weeks. looks just like a can of whipped cream ;)
Trying to think of anything that might be unusual. A friend gave me some home-canned French onion marmalade that is so to die for good that I emailed her with a promise to come over with a bottle of her favorite wine and a trusty knife and help her cry and chop the next time she makes it. Mostly it's typical condiments, salad dressings, pickles. Probably more Asian condiments than most people might have. Oyster sauce, fish sauce, peanut sauce, Vietnamese hot sauces, black bean paste etc.
Lemesee... small jars of Chinese tenmen jan (a sweet spicy soy bean paste), chima jan (a oily but neutral sesame paste), and a half dozen rolls of Kodak Ektar 100.
Velly interested keep them coming! :chef:

:LOL: @ Janet.. sounds like something I'd do.
I found can of air (for cleaning electronics) when I looked to make this list! It's been missing for weeks. looks just like a can of whipped cream ;)

how long horseradish in a jar stays good...I have a jar that's over a year old by now. How can I tell when it's time to throw it out?
It looses most of its flavor after a couple weeks in my experience.
Oh, I forgot to say, I've got some anchovy paste, also, and that stuff will not be bought again when I use it up. It splatters in hot oil a LOT more than simply mincing the anchovies and adding them.
I have a 3 door fridge. Not counting the freezer, the 2 fridge doors have 3 shelves each.
I have an Asian shelf (curry paste, soy and teriaki sauces, sesame oil, fish sauce etc.
I have a condiment shelf: mayo, 3 mustards, catsup, pub sauce, relish, cocktail sauce, tartar sauce, 57 sauce, horseraddish etc
Bottle shelf: milk, buttermilk, wine, Limoncello, OJ
Butter dock: salted, unsalted, Amish churned
2 of mixed items: (one sort of Mediterranean :pine nuts, tomato paste, anchovies, anchovy paste), the other bacon fat, lard,jellies jams etc
Besides the usual mayonnaise, mustards, ketchup, jams, etc., I have harissa, Asian peanut sauce, chipotle in adobo, soy sauce, nuts, cream cheese, grapeseed oil, plus assorted cheeses and butter.
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MsM, don't the oils coagulate (for lack of a better word) in your fridge?
This is the newest thing in my door.
View attachment 9687

And it's supposed to last a good long time, too, which is good.

Six kinds of horseradish?! :ohmy:
(I don't have any)

I've used some pretty old soy sauce that was kept in a cupboard. Just sayin' :angel:

No...six jars. I have a hard time finding it, so when I do get it, I buy lots. It will last us about 6 months.


I've never had Horseradish or soy sauce go bad on me. But, if the horseradish has changed color, I would ditch it.

I have two grease pens, a red and a black. Even years I mark with a red, odd years with a black...any condiment going into the fridge gets marked. On the first of the year, I do fridge cleaning and toss out those things left over with the current color I am using. I also have to mark jams and jellies, I don't eat them so often that I use up a jar within a year.
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