What's on your plate 9/13/10?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I will probably make this tonight.


This one was good so I am giving the pork chop one a try.


I am hoping to find the Spanish Skillet one soon because it sounds good but the store I went to either doesn't carry it or was sold out.

Any plans at your house?
A quick check of my freezer yielded leftover squash with shrimp and some kielbasa to "beef" it up with.

I'll probably start lima beans with the last pork roast bone. It will be good for tomorrow and will make my apartment smell good all day.
One of my best friends went to Spain recently and brought me a beautiful bottle os Spanish white wine. He's coming over for dinner this evening, so I thought I'd plan the menu around that bottle of wine.

Going to make a stew-ish dish of fresh corn cut off the cod, cherry tomatoes and bacon, seasoned with Spanish sweet paprika and basil. Sauteing some sea scallops to go with. Probably cook up some Broccoli rabe, and a green salad with lemony vinaigrette.

:) :) :)
Looks interesting, Ms. M! Can't wait to see your pictures.

We are probably having the pasta I didn't feel up to making yesterday. Making pasta around here is getting to be like a made-to-order restaurant! ;)
I think the base will be linguine with a marinara sauce I am going to start now, with the following alterations

DH - Gluten free noodles, prawns and chorizo, no cheese
Dad - regular noodles all cut up into small pieces, some frozen mixed vegetables, meatballs (which I made and froze) and Parmesan
Me - regular noodles (whole), mushrooms, no meat and both Parmesan and Mozzarella

I will make a green salad for DH and I, and am adding the veggies for Dad.
One of my best friends went to Spain recently and brought me a beautiful bottle os Spanish white wine. He's coming over for dinner this evening, so I thought I'd plan the menu around that bottle of wine.

Going to make a stew-ish dish of fresh corn cut off the cod, cherry tomatoes and bacon, seasoned with Spanish sweet paprika and basil. Sauteing some sea scallops to go with. Probably cook up some Broccoli rabe, and a green salad with lemony vinaigrette.

:) :) :)

Lucky Friend! Sounds divine, Chef June!
Apricot glazed baked chicken breasts, roasted smoky corn, berry tart. It's a dry run for my portion of an October movable feast.
Apricot glazed baked chicken breasts, roasted smoky corn, berry tart. It's a dry run for my portion of an October movable feast.

Sounds wonderful! Please tell me how you make your apricot glaze and how/when to apply it.:chef:

I keep hearing about using preserves to make glazes and apricot is one of my favorite flavors. I'll be shopping on Thursday, so I can pick up what I need.

I rarely use chicken breast except for sandwiches or sliced with gravy, but I'm sure it will be just as good on chicken thighs.
With my daughter we cooked a massive fish pie. Enough for 2nds. More than enough for 7. :D
GF said she's making Tilapia and jalopeno corn bread tonight. Don't know what the sides are yet. But what the heck, fish and corn bread? I don't think I need any sides LOL!
Sounds wonderful! Please tell me how you make your apricot glaze and how/when to apply it.:chef:

I keep hearing about using preserves to make glazes and apricot is one of my favorite flavors. I'll be shopping on Thursday, so I can pick up what I need.

I rarely use chicken breast except for sandwiches or sliced with gravy, but I'm sure it will be just as good on chicken thighs.

Apricot Glazed Chicken Breasts

3 Large Chicken Breasts
6-1/2 oz. (1/2 jar) Smuckers Sugar Free Apricot Preserves
3-1/2 oz. (3 Tbls.) Catalina or Sweet French Salad Dressing

Preheat oven to 350. Prepare baking dish with non-stick spray.
In a small sauce pan, combine preserves and dressing. Warm to combine and thicken to a syrup (simply stir for about 4 minutes on medium low.)
Place chicken in baking dish, baste them completely using 1/2 of apricot glaze. Reserve the other half. Cover baking dish with Aluminum foil. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for an additional 30 minutes. Let rest for 5 minutes. Slice each chicken breast on the bias (diagonal) for a pleasant visual effect. Spoon the breast slices with some of the warm, reserved glaze.

While it's not a sugar-free dish, (the Catalina or Sweet French dressing has sugar), it does have a low sugar content.

I'm a diabetic but tolerate this dish well.
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I started some Boston Butt in a cast iron dutch oven 10 hours ago . With it I put some coconut milk, mango, Thai chilies and curry powder. I let it cook until it was ready to shred. Then did some rice and then sauteed some onions, sesame seeds and peanuts. Really, really good. The only thing I forgot to pick up was some cilantro, which would have topped it off perfectly
I keep hearing about using preserves to make glazes and apricot is one of my favorite flavors. I'll be shopping on Thursday, so I can pick up what I need.

Apricot and chipotle makes a wonderful glaze for chicken. It's the only sweet glaze I make for meat. The chipotle in adobo sauce cuts the sweet just right! I add two chipotles and 2 tsp of the adobo sauce to 4 ounces of Apricot preserves, marinate chicken and bake or fry, discarding marinade.
I start a clear liquid diet tomorrow (just for 24 hours, not as a lifestyle choice), so I've been cleaning up the fridge all day to make room for Jello! Love those leftovers!
Plans changed.
Dinner was: Fresh spinach fettuccine topped with meat & mushroom sauce from yesterday and fresh grated cheese and mixed salad greens & tomato dressed with fresh buttermilk ranch, salad supreme & salted roasted slivered almonds.

I made grilled ham and cheese wraps with left over flour tortillas with veggie cheese soup. Enough soup left over for lunches this week.
Apricot Glazed Chicken Breasts

3 Large Chicken Breasts
6-1/2 oz. (1/2 jar) Smuckers Sugar Free Apricot Preserves
3-1/2 oz. (3 Tbls.) Catalina or Sweet French Salad Dressing

Preheat oven to 350. Prepare baking dish with non-stick spray.
In a small sauce pan, combine preserves and dressing. Warm to combine and thicken to a syrup (simply stir for about 4 minutes on medium low.)
Place chicken in baking dish, baste them completely using 1/2 of apricot glaze. Reserve the other half. Cover baking dish with Aluminum foil. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for an additional 30 minutes. Let rest for 5 minutes. Slice each chicken breast on the bias (diagonal) for a pleasant visual effect. Spoon the breast slices with some of the warm, reserved glaze.

While it's not a sugar-free dish, (the Catalina or Sweet French dressing has sugar), it does have a low sugar content.

I'm a diabetic but tolerate this dish well.

Thanks so much Selkie. It really should be fantastic. Since it is a diabetic recipe, I made a copy for my DN Margie (dear neighbor) who is a severe diabetic.

She and I trade recipes, food (she loves my lima beans) and produce like carrots, celery, cabbage. Knowing her, she will love this recipe too.

I already have the salad dressing so all I'll need are the preserves. I'll go ahead and get the sugar free and make an extra thigh to give to Margie, along with her copy of the recipe. Thanks again!!

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