Which Dr. Suess Character Are You?

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ohhh I love this story.


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SizzlininIN said:

I have never read this one.........I'm going to have to pick it up at the library.

There are a couple of Horton stories, Horton Hears a Who and Horton Hatches An Egg. I prefer the Egg story. "I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful 100%!"
I'm Mr. Brown also. Not a Scorpio though. I thought I would be a Lorax because I never want anyone to cut down my trees.

"Cat, hat. In French chat chapeau. In Spanish, el gato in a sombrero."

Yup... Sounds like The Z all right!
I tried the 'test'. I have no idea what or who The Lorax might be. Didn't really read Dr Seuss to my children.


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