Who can write well?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Need to write a letter of appil to my insurance. I've been fighting with them since last summer. It is horible. For a $165 dollars chrge from doctor, they are allowing $41 only. How can it be? It is a high way robbery. Of course talking to them does absolutely nothing. So I need to write an appil. Of course my english and writing skills ar very poor, need help, please.
Although I am sure there will be someone in the DC group who can and will help you out (lots of your friends here are smart), from the posts I've read, IMHO your messages are not hard to make out and you always get your point across.

I'm having problems with medical charges right now, too. The "free" physical examination we USA Medicare recipients are supposed to get once a year (starting this past January) is giving me a pain in the neck.

Good luck with your insurance problems.

Need to write a letter of appil to my insurance. I've been fighting with them since last summer. It is horible. For a $165 dollars chrge from doctor, they are allowing $41 only. How can it be? It is a high way robbery. Of course talking to them does absolutely nothing. So I need to write an appil. Of course my english and writing skills ar very poor, need help, please.


What does the Expanation of Benefits letter say for the charge?
Good luck with appealing an insurance co. You might have better luck talking to your doctor about the charges.

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