Would you pay $200,000 to fly to outer space?

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If I could afford it, sure.
Especially if it includes a ride in an F-16 to see if I can handle things.
And no shuttle for me. I want to parachute into the ocean and get picked up by a helicopter with that basket thingy... and then get a ride on an aircraft carrier.
I wouldn't but DH sure would! He's talked about it often.

He has such a passion for flying that if I won the lottery it's the first thing I would buy for him. He has fulfilled so many wishes on my bucket list, it would be such a thrill to do that for him.
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Sure, if I can easily afford it. But I would like to experience a true re-entry with communications blackout, and like Pac mentioned, an ocean splashdown with all the bells and whistles....lol..
I don't think so. But I would use some of those rocket things that fly you just above the ocean, like you're walking on it! And parasailing!

Pac, didn't you teach parachuting at one time?
Another thing I never considered doing is BASE jumping.

Newlywed dies after BASE jump attempt in Zion National Park in Utah - CNN.com

"(CNN) -- A newlywed woman died after plunging about 2,000 feet after a BASE jumping attempt in Utah's rugged Zion National Park, authorities said Sunday.
)name deleted here) 28, and her husband of two weeks, (name deleted here), climbed up Mount Kinesava, a 7,276-foot peak that overlooks the park, on Saturday, the National Park Service said.

The Salt Lake City couple were said to be experienced BASE jumpers -- in which participants leap from fixed objects, such as mountains or buildings, using parachutes to slow their falls.

The risky activity is illegal inside Zion National Park, authorities said."
I don't think so. But I would use some of those rocket things that fly you just above the ocean, like you're walking on it! And parasailing!

Pac, didn't you teach parachuting at one time?

I did.
I would love to fly into outer space. I would want to wait a bit and see the safety record. I want the space hotel.
Absolutely, with all the bells and whistles Pac mentioned, too! I want to be in outer space and I would got to Mars if it was offered...
I wouldn't but DH sure would! He's talked about it often.

He has such a passion for flying that if I won the lottery it's the first thing I would buy for him. He has fulfilled so many wishes on my bucket list, it would be such a thrill to do that for him.

Awww. Hope you win the lottery, Kayelle! Make sure DH takes pics!

I do more prefer the underwater scenery, but wouldn't mind the helicopter and aircraft carrier rides....
Mars has a definite appeal. But, isn't that a big commitment? Wouldn't that take two or three years round trip?

I'm sure if I made it to Mars, I would not be coming back...I might even stay on the moon if allowed.
If I could afford it, sure.
Especially if it includes a ride in an F-16 to see if I can handle things.
And no shuttle for me. I want to parachute into the ocean and get picked up by a helicopter with that basket thingy... and then get a ride on an aircraft carrier.

I would not.

But I'd love to see the video of pacanis' trip.
I would love to spend a week on a rotating ferris wheel space station/hotel. You'll have artificial gravity so you can stay put and maneuver normally.
I can relax at the bar with some martinis and listen to some Strauss on my ipod...:LOL:


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