Writing Challenge--For Anyone, Not Just Writers

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I'm late at finding this thread as usual, behind the 8 ball...

..............standing in front of the mirror, checking out my new jeans and praying they didn't scream, "Man, there's a lot of junk in 'that' trunk." Since starting into this dang diet, there shouldn't be any, man have my eating habits ever changed and changed for the best....but alas, I sigh....
getting ready for the little ones to come over and spend some days with us, so there are things to get ready. I would like to order online that 120 new boxed special version of crayons for them to color on my picnic table in the back yard, do the benches too, then I plan on varnishing them, to keep the little ones art work forever in perfect view. Still love to jump into my new car, although right now I should gather some coin-age and get it pro washed. Before I do that though, I'd better water the plants and veggies plus the roses in the flower bed or with this heat, they'll all croak.
Great job everyone! I will work on something with the new words tomorrow or the next day. I'm looking forward to it!

a couple of months ago, I started a story that others were to help fill in the story lines. reading this, I'm wondering why you didn't participate. Man you're good

though I haven't tried to publish them yet, I write science fiction and fantasy novels. I have two completed fantasies, one completed SF, and a couple more SF novels started. I also have four cookbooks written that I self publish on CD-ROMs or DVD's.

Yep, writing is one of my hobbies too. I did try to get my first fantasy novel published. I was told by the agent several agents that my story was wonderful, the plot was fast moving and kept them intrigued and entertained. Alas, my characters were two-dimensional and needed to be fleshed out a bit more. I have been looking for a writing partner that can take my story and help with making the characters more three-dimensional. The agents all said that I had no business quitting, that the writing was above average, but not quite ready to be published yet.

I'm still trying to learn to make my characters stronger.

Seeeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Fleshed out, or in other words, to complete a character by giving him or her nuances, personality traits or quirks that are peculiar to the character and that allow the reader to "know" that character and identify with him or her.

My characters move the story, and indeed, have a life. But it's hard to become freinds or enemies of them. My stories tend to be plot driven, rather than character driven. Character driven stories capture emotions better, and are generally speaking, more powerful and compelling. I need to be able to bring out the individual personalities more. In that first little story that I put in this thread, I feel I was successful at capturing a scene, at bringing the reader into the story through descriptions of the child and her father. I have considerable experience at being a dad, and enjoying my girls when they were little. I could draw from that experience and relate it to the reader. In my novels, I am creating experiences from my imagination, and trying to prduce the proper responces from my characters to the situations I create for them. I am less successful with those characters because the story, and characters are completely fictional, and come solely from my imagination.

My eldest daughter creates wonderful characters and plots for her stories, but is unable to get much past two or three chapters. Then she runs out of imagination for that story. I only wish I could get her to combine her skills to mine. I write an exciting and, I've been told, great story. She creates great characters. But like me, she is very busy and has too many other interests to put in the time. So, I'm still looking for someone to augment my skills, and partner with me.

Unfortunately, there are a great many people who believe they are great writers, but who, when critiqued by proffesionals, show only 5th or 6th grade writing skills. Good writing requires much training, proficeincy in the language, and proficiency with all of those skills we were supposed to be learning in grade and middle school, you know, proper puctuation, sentence structure, proper use of point of view, past, present, or future tense, as well as time lines, story flow, pacing, making sure that the story is consistant with relation to events and the timeline of events, etc. There is so much you have to know, it almost does take university level education to do it well. I have that level of training, and a huge imagination. And even with that, I'm still not where I need to be. And so, I am still humbled by those who are truly artists with the written word.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
GW, you're right. Many of us, think we have skills when in fact we don't. Wishful thinking maybe. Just because a person has good ideas in their minds, doesn't necessarily mean they can put those ideas correctly down on paper. Conversly, I've read things and thought, "man this person has me lost."

I think I went off topic sorry. Still haven't figured out if this is a post where anyone can put in the 5 words or if it's the OP.
I'm giving up on my to be continued story. I wasn't all that interested in it. Instead I will write about the ants that keep invading my kitchen.

"Party at my place! Party at my place!" I swear that's what is written around the perimeters of my kitchen floor. Every morning I find a large fraternity gathering of ants. I think their initiation is to see if they can grab that bit of shredded coconut stuck in the grout before the toddler catches wind of it and comes on a smashing rampage. Once they make it into the group though, it's nothing but gangsta rap parties and food, food, food!

You know the story of the grasshopper and the ant? Well you can forget about the ants working hard because that smashing toddler throws down enough junk to feed all the ants in Utah! And the brilliant tile-job done in our house creates a perfect home for these party animals. They can live under there all winter and never worry about the weather or lack of food!

Do you think my ant sprays work? Not a chance. But if you listen closely you can hear the little guys say, "Who wants to play Balderdash now?"


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"Hey Susette!"
Susette turned at Harry's voice just as the volleyball was spiked in her direction. It slammed into her shoulder, leaving a bright red patch of skin."
"Ow!" she exclaimed.
"Keep your head in the game, Susette." cried her coach.
Susette answered Harry; "Go away Harry."
"But I gotta talk to you. It's important."
"I'm busy. Talk to me later."
The practice had started again and Susette turned all of her attetion to her own athletic performance. She was, after all, the captain of the team. Her mates were relying on her to get the job done.
Harry cried out; "See you after practice."
Susette ignored him.

Harry looked out through the reinforced glass of the gym door window. The hall was empty.
"Safe." he said to himself, and left the gym. As he made his way toward the commons area, a group of gangster wannabee's invaded the hall from an adjoining hallway.
"Hey look,..." the leader said, "... it's weeping willow." is mob laughed at the verbal barb.
Harry picked up the pace, hoping to put distance between himself and tormentors. But it was no use for they ran to catch up.
"Hey Willow, you gonna weep for us?" taunted one of the boys. Another added; "Yeh, Willow, we want to see you cry like a little girl."
One of the boys pushed him, sending Harry sprawling forward. He sprang instantly to his feet and spun himself around to face them. But there were too many. As Harry squared himself, he found four boys moving to surround him. He thought fast. In a flash, he dove toward the leader, who neatly sidestepped to avoid the attack. But Harry attacking. With the leader out of the way, and an opening made, he tucked and somersaulted back to his feet springing forward like a grasshopper. His move had suprised the mob; and it took a moment for them to pursue. Harry just hoped he had gained enough of a lead to get away.

to be continued...

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Argh! It happened again. I was logged in, spent 30 minutes composing and typing the remainder of the story, and when I went to save it, the stupid site said I wasn't logged in. I tried the back-button and the work was gone. I had to log back in just to vent my frustration. I'll try to complete the story tomorrow. I hope it turns out as good as my first attempt. Drives me crazy!:angry:

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
GWOTN, don't worry about it, isn't that annoying when computers crash for who knows why? happened to all of us.........
luvs, put up new words anyway, mine didn't make it..........
I was liking where you were going though:)
Argh! It happened again. I was logged in, spent 30 minutes composing and typing the remainder of the story, and when I went to save it, the stupid site said I wasn't logged in. I tried the back-button and the work was gone. I had to log back in just to vent my frustration. I'll try to complete the story tomorrow. I hope it turns out as good as my first attempt. Drives me crazy!:angry:

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North

Maybe you better start writing your stories in a word processor and paste them in. :)
Wow, and I thought I was the only one with computer problems only they usually are because of something I've done or not done or don't know how to do.......sorry, GW, I liked your story, too
Sounds like a very good idea.:)

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Why wasn't it a good idea when I suggested it? :LOL: Just kidding of course.

LEFSElover, yes, anyone can post words (see post #19).

Between being in the hospital and now on vacation, I haven't had a chance to do a story lately. I will write the words down on paper and work on it in the car. Then I will add it the next time I am able to get on.

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