yard moose

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Master Chef
Mar 13, 2005
Anchorage, Alaska
It's 10pm and I noticed the lights in my detached garage are on. I go out to turn them off, come back to the house, turn around to close the front door, and see this moose 6 feet from me.[attachment=1:29phoc3x]m1 (Medium).JPG[/attachment:29phoc3x][attachment=0:29phoc3x]m2(Medium).JPG[/attachment:29phoc3x]
Griff said:
Lew, check out this local newspaper article from last Wednesday.
That is one scary story about the wolves. The coyotes here are hanging around for similar reasons but they aren't messing with grown people. However, there has been reports of them attacking small children. We have also had some local mountain lions that have stalked adult joggers in the coastal mountain areas.

I have a can of marbles and a sling shot stashed near my back fence line where my Siberian Husky likes to run. I can usually tell when the coyote is around because Boo, my dog, goes nuts and barks at it. My dog never barks unless she is real excited or startled.

I was watching Alaska Troopers night before last or so when one of them mentioned they had recently had their first documented case of a wolf killing a human. Last time I seen a Moose up close was when I was a member of the Moose Lodge. They call the Lady Mooses Moosettes for some reason. I would think Cow would be more accurate biologically speaking. Great pics Griff. That red eyed beastes look like some kinda debil dawg.
Tri Tip said:
Did you find out if he was the one who left the lights on in the detached garage?
Actually randy is a synonym for being amorous or horny etc. usually as applicable to males of the species. Now I guess wild wimmen could also be considered randy and/or it is entirely possible that MBH could have named the Moose Randy. Them Mooses is rumored to sneak up behind folks and give em about a foot and half then when the victim stops smiling they give them the rest of it.

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