You Favorite Movies of All Time

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Dont guess I ever seen Taps..or if I have which seems likely I already forget whut it was about. I do not like to see shows which contains folks getting killed or otherwise abused. Now I center on the documentaries. I can stand it like that mainly on trying to figger out how folks can be so heartless and krewlish to one another and why a fella who he fixing to get his head chopped off dont jump up and kick somebody in the cod sack. I dont understand stuff like that. Now I seen a good one called "The Reivers" (sic) starring Steve McQueen one time. Dang I thought that was a good show.

wittdog wrote:
Animal House
Back to School
Dirty Dozen
Clint's spagetti westerns
Empire Strikes Back
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Toy Story
The man who shot Liberty Vallence
The Guns of Navarone

Kelly's Heros!
I actually own Deliverance on dvd and I like it. lol

Gone With the Wind
The Longest Yard
Fried Green Tomatoes
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The original versions of classic Disney movies like Pollyanna, The Parent Trap, The Shaggy Dog, and Herbie!
My favorite line from all the movies comes from
Kelly's Heroes...Don Rickles hides in an outhouse
that gets blown up by a tank. He comes stumbling
out with a toilet lid around his neck...another soldier
runs up and says "Geez, you stink!" and Rickles
goes "Yeah, kind of reminds you of home, doesn't it?"

Outlaw Josie Wales
Dr. Strangelove
Boys from Brazil
Oh Brother Where Art Thou
3000 Miles to Graceland
A few nobody's named yet:

The Great Escape
This is Spinal Tap
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
2001: A Space Odyssey
In the Line of Fire
Young Frankenstein
Dr Strangelove (oops, that was named)
Midnight Cowboy
Yellow Submarine

--John 8)
(Shane, Raising Arizona, and Blazing Saddles make my list, too. For some of the others, I think I need to get to Blockbuster. ;) )
Unity said:
A few nobody's named yet:

The Great Escape
This is Spinal Tap
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
2001: A Space Odyssey
In the Line of Fire
Young Frankenstein
Dr Strangelove (oops, that was named)
Midnight Cowboy
Yellow Submarine

--John 8)
(Shane, Raising Arizona, and Blazing Saddles make my list, too. For some of the others, I think I need to get to Blockbuster. ;) )

There was a time I thought I had seen both on the bus too many times, but I think I am ready to see them again.
Finney said:
"To Kill a MockingBird"

also rans.............
all the "Thin Man" movies
"High Noon"
"The Quiet Man"

about any Alfred Hitchcock movie

I concur. "To Kill a Mockingbird"
Rev.Jr. said:
A couple more to add to the list:

Slap Shot

Cool Hand Luke
Yeah, and I was thinking about the 'H' movies Paul Newman did, Hustler, Hud, and Hombre. And Butch Cassidy, and The Sting. Dang, lots of Paul Newman favorites! :)

--John 8)
I liked in Cool Hand Luke, the scene where he eats the 2 dozen hard boiled eggs. My friend bet me that he could do that when we were in high school. He didn't get 8 down before he was out on the front lawn tossing his cookies! :LOL:

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