Lyn, We rely heavily on crock pots, 6 qt. Nesco roasters and 18 qt. Nesco roasters (with insert if needed). After the bird has been sliced it is put in plastic containers with some broth, canned if there isn't enough. On T-day it is transferred to one of the above and reheated slowly. The Nescos have a very low setting. Just check to make sure things aren't heating too fast or drying out. Filling gets reheated with a little broth. Sweet potatoes are done early and transferred to a crock pot to keep warm. The gravy is made ahead and reheated in a roaster with the inserts (put water in the roaster to make a steam table). Baked corn goes in the crock pot early too. The only thing made close to dinner is the mashed potatoes. The worst of the dishes, roasting pan etc. are done with before the meal. We buy nice, but disposable, plates, cutlery, and cups. There's usually 15-20 people so there's lots of people to carry out trash, pack up leftovers, and wash the crock pots etc. With that many it is buffet style. Between my mom, sister, and me we have 3 of each "reheater". The only thing you have to watch is overloading a circuit. I'm here to tell you, it is sooooooo much easier that way, plus if you mess something up, there's time for a "do-over" and nobody has to know.