ISO chest congestion remedies

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2002
Edmonton, Alberta
Before you all start telling me to go to the doctor, I will go on Monday. I just refuse to go to anyone but my own doctor. We got home too late for me to squeeze in today so I'm stuck til Monday.


-Wet cough (and yes, productive and not pretty) in the morning, dry by evening. Uncontrollable sometimes...necessitating a brace against a wall or leg crossing. :shock:
-No fever, but fatigue. LOTS of fatigue.
-Very slight nasal congestion. No more than my usual allergy related stuff though so I would discount this as a symptom.

So my biggest issue is the coughing. It is really starting to hurt me bad. I ache from the base of my spine to the top of my head. I haven't cracked any ribs yet, but lordy I cough hard enough to do that.

I'm sucking back tea like there is no tomorrow. Mint is top of my list, inhaling the steam and drinking it. I'd love some other ideas to help me get through this ASAP. I have a LOT to do the next couple of weeks and I need to be in top shape to get there. Help?
This sounds pretty stupid but it got me through a bad weekend last winter.

Turn your shower on hot, high. Sit in the steamy room with a hot tea and some menthol drops.

Relax and waste water.

Don't tell environmentalists.
For the cough: Peppermint tea is great, as is Eucalyptus.

For the general cold, take Chewable Acerola C tablets with Bioflavonoids, 500 mg each. Also, sublingual B12.
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Don't discount good old Vick's or mentholatum for your chest, that would help ease your muscles and the congestion.
There are many herbal remedies you could try. Here's a few of my favourites.
Mix one tsp of turmeric in a little water and drink 3 times daily. Taste horrible but it works wonders. Just swallow it fast!

You can also make yourself a cup of strong ginger tea with honey and lemon. I add 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper, it opens my chest fast.

Rub some vicks vapour rub on your chest and back and the bottoms of your feet (yes your feet, it stops the coughing!)

Another good home remedy would be Echinacea Drops, just buy some at the pharmacy and drink as it says on the bottle.

Garlic, parsley and watercress are also great for colds and flu.

I never go to the Dr for cold and flu, I've never needed too, just use what I have in the house.

Hope you can use one of these. Turmeric is a natural antibiotic, anti microbial and anti inflammatory. You can get them in capsule form if you can't stand the taste.
Mucinex is really good for congestion. It breaks mine up in a hurry. Be aware that you will be spitting up junk. Our daugter's doctor told her to use it for fibromyalgia as it also removes the junk from tissues involved.
Mucinex is really good for congestion. It breaks mine up in a hurry. Be aware that you will be spitting up junk. Our daughter's doctor told her to use it for fibromyalgia as it also removes the junk from tissues involved.

Very good stuff....Like Licia keeps your cough 'productive'... and this is a good thing...For the cough...peppermint in some bourbon...sip slowly!
Make a tea with thyme. It's good for coughing. My Mom had a chronic, violent morning cough that was helped by regular use of the thyme.

Drink it like you're doing with the mint, it's good to drink, but equally as good in aromatherapy.

I hope you're feeling much better soon!
delsym might be your short term answer, alix. delsym is an otc cough syrup, only it is customarily kept behind the counter at the pharmacy. so you have to ask for it by name. imo, delsym is as effective a cough suppressant as is codeine. but, if you can get the codeine, it's probably more enjoyable to long as you keep that doctor's appointment, alix--the delsym or the codeine will only suppress your cough and give you some much needed peace, won't cure a thing. good luck.... :)
Lots and lots of water (tea counts!) and Mucinex. FYI, there is a generic Mucinex, which will save you money.

Try sleeping in your recliner--sometimes that is the only thing that works for me.
Hot steamy baths with some Vic's or mint mixed into the water help too. Would also help relax and relieve sore muscles. Mucinex works well. Be careful with it and the generics though. I found the generics especially made me really sleepy and sometimes a little dizzy. Lots of water and try to sleep propped up a little and with a humidifier if you have one.
I'm thinking a vaporizer would help, too. I bought one several years ago at a drug store and it was really pretty cheap for what it does. Like mentioned, you've gotta break this thing up and hot steam is a good thing. I would even get in the shower and let the hot water pound on my chest.
And don't discount some good homemade chicken noodle soup. Lots of vitamins there.
Hmmm...mucinex sounds like it might be just the ticket. I really don't have cold symptoms (other than the freaking cough) so I might go do that.

vitauta, I DO have codeine pills from a few years back when I had H1N1. They were the only way I could get any sleep. True, they don't cure anything, but they sure helped me get some much needed rest! I'll pop one at bedtime tonight.

I should have mentioned that I've done enough garlic, honey, wine and echinacea to sink a ship. Not budging this freaking cough. I've had two lovely hot baths since we returned home and that has definitely helped with the aching muscles. DANG you can sure hurt yourself coughing! I keep thinking maybe I'll come out of this with abs of steel...hahahaha!

Sounds like I might try the thyme tea too. Zhizara, do I just buy fresh thyme and brew it like I do the mint? I have a mint patch that I just rip handfuls out of for my tea.

UB, does it need to be bourbon or will scotch work? I think I might give that a go tonight once I'm done driving all over the place. ;) That might help me sleep more than a codeine pill!

Ginger tea, candied ginger or even fresh, etc. Ginger relaxes smooth muscle tissue and can help soothe that cough. You can add sugar or honey and lemon if you like.

Don't use ginger in excess if you are pregnant, however (that relaxed muscle thing become a problem....).

You can buy ginger tea but it's best made from fresh ginger. Shred up about an inch of ginger root, pour 2 C of boiling water over and let steep for a few mins. Strain. Drink.
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Alix, fresh or dried thyme is fine. If you have dried on hand just fill half of one side of your tea ball with it and steep in boiling water. Tasty and mild.

Use it the same way as you do the mint, inhaling the steam until it's cool enough to sip.

Also have some chicken noodle soup. It helps with anything in your chest.
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Janet, the tea I've been drinking today is mint and ginger! Fortuitous! Thanks for the tip.

Zhizara, I have the dried stuff on hand so I'll try some of that too.

I found some Benylin cough syrup in our cabinet and it has that Guaifenesin stuff in it. The pharmacist doesn't have mucinex here so I'll just give the Benylin a go. I think I'll do Benylin during the day so I can cough all the goo out and then do the brandy or codeine at bedtime. Ahhhh!

Dinner tonight will be chicken soup! Thanks all.

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