Seasoning Pans?

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Senior Cook
Jun 23, 2020
Why do people season pans? Make them slick, add flavor? Why exactly? Any types of pans that don't require seasoning?
The only pans I season are raw cast iron and carbon steel… for two reasons, to keep them from rusting and to create a reasonable non-stick coating on them.
What SP said ^. You really don't have to season other types of pans, except maybe the plain aluminum types, which are found more in restaurants.
Yeah, I was referring to aluminum restaurant pans. I just figured we used so much grease that it should never be necessary. Lol.
I season raw aluminum, Cast Iron, Mineral steel, and high carbon steel ans. All of these raw metals react with alkali, and acidic ingredients, giving an off taste tp foods, and causing corrosion of the base metal. I first seasoned a set of cheap aluminum camping pans, as I was tired of food sticking horribly to them. I was happily surprised that they performed very nicely afterwards. The aluminum sauciers, and fry pans sold at GFS state on their labels that they need to be seasoned.

seasoning creates a carbon barrier that is nearly non-stick, and protects both the base meta;, and food from touching each other, and reacting.

There are many who will disagree with tis advise. But for me, the roof was in the before, and after performance of the pans/pots.

That's my take on it.

Seeeey; Chief Longwind of the North

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