Seasonings to pair with rosemary?

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Apr 6, 2021
San Diego
Research shows that, at least on chicken, which is what I'm trying to season, if there's rosemary, it will have salt, pepper, and garlic, and then citrus juice or wine instead of more seasonings. I'm sure that works fine for most people, but I'm a little sensitive to all the members of the mint family, so I need other herbs and spices to support, and dilute, the rosemary. Because of that sensitivity, the additional seasonings need to NOT be other members of the mint family:

Mint family:
Thyme, marjoram, oregano, basil, sage, rosemary, savory, summer savory, lemon balm… and of course mint!

After searching a million recipes, the only thing I've found so far to add to rosemary is parsley. Do any of you have any other seasonings outside of the mint family that you've personally verified work well with rosemary on chicken, or on other mild-tasting foods like turkey or potatoes? That would be a big help, thank you!
Not sure how you intend to cook your chicken, whole roasted, pieces fried or roasted. You could just use plain salt & pepper and then season your sauce or gravy (which ever you call it)

Plain tomatoes, (maybe dried), lemon, wine, tarragon - if dry add it early - if fresh add it later. You can thicken with flour -perhaps a beurre manie?
What a good idea! Bread soaked in wine, I like that. Thanks jennyema!
I used to mix white wine with the chicken broth for basting while roasting and it was/is delicious that way too.
Tarragon is not part of the mint family. One of my favourites.

Which other things are you NOT sensitive to?
Do you have any recipes with rosemary and tarragon? It's just the mint family that I'm sensitive to, although unfortunately that covers a lot of ground.
Not sure how you intend to cook your chicken, whole roasted, pieces fried or roasted. You could just use plain salt & pepper and then season your sauce or gravy (which ever you call it)

Plain tomatoes, (maybe dried), lemon, wine, tarragon - if dry add it early - if fresh add it later. You can thicken with flour -perhaps a beurre manie?
I'm just baking pieces of chicken. This is another vote for tarragon! Do you have any recipes with tarragon and rosemary?
Leave out the rosemary and stuff the cavity with garlic, onion, lemon and bread soaked in white wine
I'm specifically trying to cook with rosemary, I'm not cooking a whole chicken so there's no cavity, and I don't cook with wine, but thanks for playing, lol!
I have never used this with chicken, but it works well with pork. Make a paste of fresh rosemary, garlic, salt, and sun dried tomato. Mash it all together in a mortar and pestle to make a coarse paste. Smear it on the chicken before roasting it. The sun dried tomato is optional, but helps with consistency.
Those are some interesting options, except for the marjoram which is a member of the mint family… Have you got any recipes with those things and rosemary?

I usually just use powdered versions, I coat all the pieces of chicken, adding salt and pepper too, place them on baking paper in an oven dish, without any oil because a lot of fat will ooze out of the chicken itself. If I add potatoes (pre-boiled) half way through the cooking time, then I add a little oil only on the potatoes. When it's almost ready, I cover with tin foil to keep it moist. It depends on your oven, this dish takes me about an hour and a half.
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