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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Been away for awhile due to severe carpal tunnel and arthralgia. Much pain and swelling in the joints in the hands and fingers makes typing, cooking, driving, sleeping, just about everything no fun at all
. I have missed you all.

Went to ortho dr appt. today. She gave me a shot in my right wrist that hurt like a MOTHER!! Felt like she shot liquid fire into my hand. My fingers were in such pain AND numb. They are just starting to get feeling back enough to type etc. She says I have arthritis in ALL the joints in my fingers in both hands and wrists, I need to get the carpal tunnel op. I have appt. for nerve doc to check the nerves with an AMG test. Looking to see about Neuropathy due to diabetes.
I'm glad to hear from you. I have been wondering if you were ok.

When shopping for your CT surgeon, try to find one that uses the Brown Hand Center method. It's an orthoscopic procedure that heals within days instead of weeks. Mrs. 40 C had both hands done earlier this year and is doing great.

Hang in there.

MsM, it's good to hear from you, but I'm so sorry to hear this news about your hands. That must be incredibly frustrating. I hope your doctors are able to treat it and give you some relief. Is it rheumatoid or osteoarthritis?
Nice to see you again, MsM! So sorry about the hand problems, sure hope you can get some relief soon.
Oh no MsM .. no fun at all. My sis has the same problem. She had the same procedure .40 is talking about and she is doing really well since then.

So sorry to hear of your hands .. you are in our thoughts and prayers for a nice recovery.

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