The Person Below Me

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
No, Just two puppie dogs looking soulfully at me as I make crepe layers. I think they want to lick the bowl!

TPBM is hoping kiddies go to bed soon!
Mine has to be at work at 4 I'm sure he'll be in bed soon...I won't know it though.

is done making birthday cake
No, just what I have to do tonight. I will whip cream and assemble tomorrow

TPBM hates hubby having to work night shifts
went shopping in the city - it's always amazing to see all this people... where do they all come from???
And got an invitation from friends to meet outdoors.. but nothing really busy

TPBM does know the secret of making chocolate chip cookies.....
My secret is to make up the batter and then let Paul bake them. They turn out perfect every time.

had fun meeting with her friends
probably would if I did.

TPBM isn't sure what to do with the rest of the day.
Oh yeah, finish birthday cake, get present, make card, do exercises, get ready to go out and party with the girls!

TPBM wishes they could come too.
nope. he's just pushing controller buttons.

TPBM is making dinner earlier this saturday!
i thought so... and the oldest tried the asparagus!!!!!

TPBM is having a hot drink.
Hot water but... I'm out of lemons!

is thrilled to be teaching new flavors to young children!!!!
I think you have a lot of love in your heart but
no time on your hands.

is ready for hot buttered rum

(which by the way Paul and I decided we didn't like at all...)
(yeah you cant have too many its greasy)
no I had one thats enough..... just the rum straight is ok! :)

TPBM has a sore tooth. :(
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