To milk or not to milk?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Person was making shish kebab and suggested soaking the pork in milk. I kind question that decision. I was told that milk helps braking enzymes in meat. I thought it has to be butter milk or yogurt to brake enzymes and regular milk doesn't do that. Am I wrong? Does soaking meat in milk really helps?
Only time I've heard to soak with milk is to help get rid of "gamey" taste in wild fowl, maybe meat of wild boar. Also sometimes used to help with the 'bitter' taste in kidneys and liver.

Don't quote me.
Person was making shish kebab and suggested soaking the pork in milk. I kind question that decision. I was told that milk helps braking enzymes in meat. I thought it has to be butter milk or yogurt to brake enzymes and regular milk doesn't do that. Am I wrong? Does soaking meat in milk really helps?

Strange question, coming from you.
But no one has addressed the fact that Charlie is talking about plain milk - not yogurt, sour creme or other acidic/bacterialized derivatives of milk - my impression is just milk.

I shouldn't think that there is enough bacteria (or whatever) in our pasteurized milk to have any effect on meats.

Well, at least within a time frame where we would want to eat it after! ;)
Thank you everybody. So I was wrong milk can be used as marinade. Though I was not completely wrong butter milk, or yogurt are better than regular milk. Thank you Chief for that article.
You are very welcome, my friend. Any time I can provide something of worth, it makes my day, even if the info comes from elsewhere. And just for the record, you are one of the people I enjoy sharing info with the most.

No one take offense. There are a number of you, both female, and ale that I also really enjoy on DC.

Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
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