What colors for Pyrex Measuring cups

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Senior Cook
Sep 6, 2004
What colors do the markings on pyrex measuring cups come in? I have some that are red and some that are blue and some that are a pale green. Do they come in any other colors?
I think I've seen some that have black markings. Although, Pyrex can be confused with Anchor Hocking, another glass maker.

Interesting question, though, because I've never given the color of the markings much consideration. I'm just glad they're there and I can read them. Have had a few older Pyrex measuring cups that the markings were not in the best condition.
I things that are sets, and for us, having more than one set of measuring cups is useful cause DW, DW cooks like she is on Iron chef, by choice. And it helps to not have to slow her down by having to wash things while she is in her flow. I was just wondering what colors I was missing so we could have the blue set, the red set, the green set and now the black set...

I was really wondering if Pink or purple were out
It's conceivable a pink set would be manufactured, what with all the attention to breast cancer awareness. KitchenAid, etc. have done a line of pink things toward that end. I'd say just keep your eyes out. Hey, you can never have enough toys!:rolleyes:
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