Rescued Pets

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I am afraid that the little fella on the left has to do for me. There is no way I can take a dog outside for a walk a few times a day. I can't even walk to the end of the driveway. And I certainly can't afford vet bills. So, I am a strong believer that if you can't give a pet all of the proper care it deserves, including vet bills, then you have no business having a pet. And I have a lot of trouble bending over just to pick up a piece of paper. So that leaves out changing a litter box. I get to see Teddy Bear almost every day for about three hours. And my son shows up also at the other end of the leash.

The dog cracks us both up. As soon as they step off the elevator, Teddie strains at his leash. My son undoes him and he rushes to my door Then when my son is too slow, he runs back to hurry him. He knows there are treats on the other side of the door.

I am so glad my son has him. He bought him for his wife just before she died. Teddy Bear was still a puppy when she died. That dog has been a lifesaver for him. He is a part of his wife. Only recently has Son #1 been able to talk about his wife and the dog in the same breath.

Do any of you remember Johnny Carson making fun of folks who would baby talk to their pets? I used to agree with him. Guess what? Now my son and I both do it. Yes, we are guilty.

One last note. I want to thank all of you for taking in rescue animals. I would do the same if I could. Many studies have shown that elderly people live longer and healtheir lives when they have a pet to care for. Keep this in mind as you approach old age. :angel:
Addie, my mom is a lifelong animal lover, but her physical disabilities don't allow her to have a pet either. She sure adores her grandbeagle though! Glad Teddy Bear has his granny!
I am afraid that the little fella on the left has to do for me. There is no way I can take a dog outside for a walk a few times a day. I can't even walk to the end of the driveway. And I certainly can't afford vet bills. So, I am a strong believer that if you can't give a pet all of the proper care it deserves, including vet bills, then you have no business having a pet. And I have a lot of trouble bending over just to pick up a piece of paper. So that leaves out changing a litter box. I get to see Teddy Bear almost every day for about three hours. And my son shows up also at the other end of the leash.

The dog cracks us both up. As soon as they step off the elevator, Teddie strains at his leash. My son undoes him and he rushes to my door Then when my son is too slow, he runs back to hurry him. He knows there are treats on the other side of the door.

I am so glad my son has him. He bought him for his wife just before she died. Teddy Bear was still a puppy when she died. That dog has been a lifesaver for him. He is a part of his wife. Only recently has Son #1 been able to talk about his wife and the dog in the same breath.

Do any of you remember Johnny Carson making fun of folks who would baby talk to their pets? I used to agree with him. Guess what? Now my son and I both do it. Yes, we are guilty.

One last note. I want to thank all of you for taking in rescue animals. I would do the same if I could. Many studies have shown that elderly people live longer and healtheir lives when they have a pet to care for. Keep this in mind as you approach old age. :angel:

I'm a firm believer in animals helping us. I couldn't sleep at night if I didn't have Latté to tell me "Goodnight."

We now have an Admissions dog, Buster, in the facility. He's a fast learner, he knows he gets loves and treats when he gets to my office. I really have to remember to take my camera in...have to get his pic, too!
PrincessFiona60 said:
I'm a firm believer in animals helping us. I couldn't sleep at night if I didn't have Latté to tell me "Goodnight."

We now have an Admissions dog, Buster, in the facility. He's a fast learner, he knows he gets loves and treats when he gets to my office. I really have to remember to take my camera in...have to get his pic, too!

:LOL: Admissions dog :LOL: You have, what, the pharmacy dog, the file room dog, the office dog Patron, wow! What a great place!

Can't wait to see the pic! What kind of dog is Buster, PF?
I'm a firm believer in animals helping us. I couldn't sleep at night if I didn't have Latté to tell me "Goodnight."

We now have an Admissions dog, Buster, in the facility. He's a fast learner, he knows he gets loves and treats when he gets to my office. I really have to remember to take my camera in...have to get his pic, too!

The hardest part of being admitted is leaving their pets behind. :angel:
:LOL: Admissions dog :LOL: You have, what, the pharmacy dog, the file room dog, the office dog Patron, wow! What a great place!

Can't wait to see the pic! What kind of dog is Buster, PF?

He is an Australian Shepard, the prettiest tan colored eyes! File Room = Medical Records. Patron is the MDS dog...he watches us do the assessments that get the bills paid for insurance, Medicaid and Medicare.

He showed up the other day, trailing his leash and no handler...:ROFLMAO:
We went to 3 dog pounds and all they had were pits and chihuahuas.
This Red Min Pin (Crystal) found us at the 4th one. We have had her for a couple of months now. She can be brat!


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With ears like that she can hear all the other doggies in the neighborhood telling her to misbehave. :LOL:
Got one of my shoes today and placed it in the middle of the garage but did not chew it. Took my daughters shoe the planter she has emptied (so she can sunbathe in it) and tried to bury it. Barfed on the carpet. Tried to get out the front door.

Those are just the ones I found about about today.
If the cats hadn't been up to no good this morning I would have slept in, I turned off the alarm, did not hit the snooze. Of course, their up to no good means that if I hadn't been half asleep they would've needed to be "rescued" again...if I have to get the vacuum out they are in big trouble!
Got one of my shoes today and placed it in the middle of the garage but did not chew it. Took my daughters shoe the planter she has emptied (so she can sunbathe in it) and tried to bury it. Barfed on the carpet. Tried to get out the front door.

Those are just the ones I found about about today.

Would it be possible to send her to puppy school? :angel:
I've only read a half dozen pages of this line, but I do want to say that Rosebud has become our much beloved companion after a bit of hardship,and actually considering returning her to the shelter. One night I was crying my heart out, and friends and family consoled me but thought I was doing the right thing by returning her. She'd jumped, several times, and tried to bite my face. She'd bitten husband more than once (never actually breaking skin).

She's small (I think she weighs in at 21 lbs now). But all I could think of is that she'd not be acceptable when my elderly or children friends visited.

Well, thanks to a lot of advice from my DC friends, but also ... I write a column for my local paper, and trainers came out of the woodwork to give me advice.

We've now had and loved her for a year (it was our birthday present to ourselves a year ago).

She's become a truly loving pet, and worth every minute we spent with her to get her there. If I'd had a child or elderly relative living with me, I could not have done it. I think the turning point was when I called the shelter and inquired about returning her. I was in tears. This is a no-kill place (Safe Haven), and I'd signed an agreement that I'd not do anything without them getting her back, first.

Then ... I write a column occaisionally for the local paper. I wrote about her, and people came out of the woodwork, wanting to help us. Between them (some of them professionals) and my DC friends.

She is NOT as well trained as I'd llike her to be, but I know that it is because we are being lazy. But now she is well-known in our small town.

My favorite ting about her? When husband feeds her in the morning (for some reason she took against him when we first adopted her, him feeding her was part of the training thing), she eats her kibble, then finds me (usually reading a book), snuggles up to me as if to say, "thank-you" ... and burps. It is so funny.

My other pets have been from litter, I've never had to deal with a shelter pet. But it is worth every penny and hour.
every morning when i get up, i follow charlie's trail during the night. stuff knocked off, drawers opened. pillows topsy turvy. and so on. his latest is shoving the food and water feeders around the sun room. not a clue why he does this, and they aren't light. he flips his goody bowl over and then eats the treats off the floor. but i wouldn't trade him for a pot of gold.
I just wanted to share that the New England Saint Bernard Club recently donated the funds to pay to train a rescued Saint Bernard to be a service dog for a child with autism. The two are great pals! And, KUDOS to the club for doing that and making a difference in the life of Ryan and the Saint.
I just wanted to share that the New England Saint Bernard Club recently donated the funds to pay to train a rescued Saint Bernard to be a service dog for a child with autism. The two are great pals! And, KUDOS to the club for doing that and making a difference in the life of Ryan and the Saint.

There was a piece in one of our local newspapers about that. The reporter said in a follow up piece that because of his piece the shelter received a plethera of donations. I love stories like that. It does warm the cockles of ones heart. :chef:
Puss and Boots was hanging off the screen door when I arrived at the house in the city. Not really a rescue pet--I've kept her in the house, given her food, etc., and Monday she goes to see my friend who is a vet to be spayed/vaccinated/and whatever else is needed. I've contacted 3 cat rescues--they are full. Hopefully I can find this little girl a home. I am allergic to cats and the DH has a dog that is not cat friendly. I don't want her to be harmed. But isn't she cute?!?


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