What's For Dinner, Wednesday 20th February?

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Tonight I am making a chicken meatball recipe. I ground chicken and made meatballs seasoned with Italian seasoning and breadcrumbs. I will be serving with pasta and homemade tomato sauce. These meatballs are delicious!
Leftovers. I made extra mashed potaoes and gravy last night, along with the green beans. And I've got another slice of prime rib in the freezer. The only difference tonight being I will reheat the steak by flipping it a couple times on the grill instead of reheating it in the gravy.
going to a potluck tonight, I'm taking au gratin potatoes...other know dishes to be there are home made pizza, baked chicken, salad and dessert. We are in the midst of snow here, don't know why I am surprised:LOL:, will be hoofing it to the potluck to avoid any car mishaps.
SO is working late and will eat at work. I'll be raiding the freezer for some delicacy previously created and preserved for just such an occasion.
Hubby and kids ate the lamb chops. I had hummus with crackers and cucumber. Not very hungry tonight. The hummus is yummy though, I'm eating my dinner now :)
going to a potluck tonight, I'm taking au gratin potatoes...other know dishes to be there are home made pizza, baked chicken, salad and dessert. We are in the midst of snow here, don't know why I am surprised:LOL:, will be hoofing it to the potluck to avoid any car mishaps.
Next time consider bringing some of your delicious pizza.


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I'm cooking a London broil with tomatoes, onion, carrots, a couple potatoes, spices, and some vegetables (not sure what I have yet, but I will throw them in toward the end of the cooking time).
I spelunked some spaghetti and clam marinara sauce here.
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Next time consider bringing some of your delicious pizza.

Actually it is my sister who is bringing the home made pizza:yum:

Now and for the next several months, the story of my life is everything I own is in a storage unit. All my baking and cooking pots and pans and utensils, skiis, camera, desktop computer, hiking equipment.....I don't even have any baking yeast..

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