A Thoughtful Decision

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I made a big decision yesterday that I wanted to share with my DC family as many of you know me well enough to know how hard this was.

My health has been really bad this year (worse than usual) and I have had to make a lot of changes - diabetes, liver and other problems have changed my diet and my activity levels. I am now a vegetarian as my body can not process animal fats of any kind. I am almost vegan actually. With the diabetes I have to watch my sugar levels and at the moment have cut out all sweets except fruit.

So, just as I have started getting my cake business back up and running, I have decided to retire completely from all baking for hire and just do what we need for ourselves. Last Christmas I gave away my Christmas orders for the year, but am now letting my customers know that I have stopped completely. I found them all a substitute last year so I am sure she will be happy for the repeat business. I was to make a spiderman cake for the little boy we looked after for tomorrow, but I am having one made instead. I just decided I can't do "one more", it has to be now or never. And I am very at peace with this. It was getting very hard being around all of these temptations and needing to taste it for quality control.

And I won't be sitting around idly with nothing to do. I am looking forward to getting back to my culinary roots and coming up with interesting ways of getting my protein without harming a single soy bean (tofu, etc) :LOL:. I am also getting busy with my crochet business and have many orders for Christmas to finish. I am going to expand it to designing other things like afghans, scarves, shawls, etc. My arthritic hands actually like the "workout" and I use ergonomic hooks. I will be building a website soon which exercises another skill set I have.

Plus I have the kids in my life now and being an acting Granny is a role I like alot.

They say that for every door that closes, another one opens and I have a few new ones. I am happy and can't wait to see where they lead.

Comments are welcome! :)
Laurie, that couldn't have been an easy decision for you. I'm sure you made it knowing it's what's best for you.

I look forward to hearing about your new ventures and wish the very best for your health and activities.

You and TB are in my thoughts.
Thanks, Andy. Yes it was hard, but I know in my heart it is right. Thanks for the well wishes. I can go on the cruise now without having to get my Christmas "menu" out to clients. That was looming on me and was part of the decision making process.

Taxy, I am reading a book right now on the best way to price crafts. It is a very interesting read and in researching other sites with like products the book seems to be right on with its formula. I am also going to sell some patterns of my designs down the road. You can make more on that because you can sell the same pattern over and over but the finish products are a one time sell.
It isn't that you've stopping baking, it's that you had to set aside baking to make time for the crochet. Who knows, a day may come along when you just have to bake that "one last thing". Or you could crochet a wedding cake:


Good luck with this adventure. Make sure when you come up with those great vegetarian meals you share your recipes and secrets with us, your DC family. Who knows, you might even fall in love with tofu.
Whilst I am fairly new here, I did wonder how you could be so active (with so many crafts) given your current state of health.

As it reads to me is that you are now cutting your cloth accordingly and making your life easier and more manageable. I understand that it must be hard to let go of what you obviously enjoyed doing, but I sense that it is probably also a relief to not take on so much now. ♥
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Sounds like you are making the best decision for you. I know that it can be hard to put yourself first, not wanting to disappoint others, but you are absolutely doing the right thing! Your quality of life is important, and instead of giving up, you've found other outlets to stay creative and active, that is pretty great!
It isn't that you've stopping baking, it's that you had to set aside baking to make time for the crochet. Who knows, a day may come along when you just have to bake that "one last thing". Or you could crochet a wedding cake:


Good luck with this adventure. Make sure when you come up with those great vegetarian meals you share your recipes and secrets with us, your DC family. Who knows, you might even fall in love with tofu.

CG that cake is awesome!! :)

And yes, of course, I will share my vegetarian creations - but won't hold my breath on loving tofu! :sick:
Laurie, I really dislike tofu, most of the time. Try it in some Chinese recipes. That's the only way I have enjoyed it. I am not allowed to eat unfermented soy now. When I did I used to say, "I don't eat tofu, but I do eat beancake (the term used in most Chinese restos around here)." It's pretty good when it has absorbed a lot of flavour from other stuff. ;)
Taxy, for me it is a texture thing. I have it with oysters, mussels, etc., tofu, anything with a slippery texture. I have scarring on my throat and just can't swallow anything like that. The little tiny squares of tofu in miso soup are okay if I swallow them quick with the broth, but even full of flavour I can't get any other type down. Even some custards, tapioca, are the same.

I'm sure you made the right decision!
I wish you all the best for your crochet business ;o)

and for the prices, don't you have something like this on your side of the pond?
I hope your new direction does wonder for improving your health. My wife and I eat a lot of lacto-ovo vegetarian and I hope you will share some new vegan recipes with us. Best wishes.....
Tough decision, LP. Good for you, taking the bull by the horns and shouting "Enough", hard for us over achievers.
Laurie, I know how hard that was for you. I had to do the same thing a couple of years ago, when I left my job for health reasons. But then I became a master gardener, got re-involved with my civic league, and found other outlets for my creativity, too. It's a transition, but I'm sure you're as relieved as I was to not have those responsibilities and expectations anymore :) Best wishes with all your new endeavours! :flowers:

And leave it to CG to find something to combine your two big loves - baking and crocheting ;)
Taxy, for me it is a texture thing. I have it with oysters, mussels, etc., tofu, anything with a slippery texture. I have scarring on my throat and just can't swallow anything like that. The little tiny squares of tofu in miso soup are okay if I swallow them quick with the broth, but even full of flavour I can't get any other type down. Even some custards, tapioca, are the same.
I understand about the texture thing. I don't like it in miso soup. I only like it fried. That changes the texture completely.
I couldn't really eat much until I was 4 because of allergies, I survived on mostly soy formula, so today anytime I eat tofu or try to drink soy milk, I get a bit queezy. I just can't do it, and trust me I've tried. I've had so many people tell me that tofu has no flavor of its own that it'll taste like whatever it's cooked with, nope, all I can taste is the soy!
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