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Nope, I mentioned a few posts up that I was watching it this morning, too. :flowers: Never miss it. It will be so strange not seeing Bob and Stephanie hosting the Rose Parade next year, after ALL these years! :ohmy:

I'm glad you saw it too Cheryl. I'll miss Bob and Stephanie also after 30 yrs of L.A. hosting the parade. Stephanie Edwards is still as gorgeous as she was then, and has aged so beautifully. It's hard to believe she's my age.:ohmy:

Glad we cleared that up Whiska. One of my sons was scared of the vacuum so I wasn't quite sure. :LOL:
Gosh are we the only ones who watched the Rose Parade today?...
I'm guessing there were others watching. We, however, weren't among them. Never have been much of parade people, but we do watch most of the bowl games. Or used to. Now it seems like anyone who wants to put up the money can have a bowl game just for the naming rights. I think there will be a total of something like 41 bows this year. :wacko: Hmm, maybe someday we'll have a "Cooking Goddess and Himself Dandelion Bowl" :LOL:
...Sorry, I only watched half the Rose Bowl. It was too sad.
It was sad. What was up with the Big Ten Thursday and Friday? Sparty got completely rolled by the tide. Northwestern managed two FG - at least your dear Huskies did better. Happily, our Buckeyes and TTUN both brought it today. Hate to give props to Meesheegan, though.
...I had half a dozen boys, in their early 20's, hanging out in the driveway with their toddlers - too funny. It was good to see them all; its been years...
I miss that kind of activity at our house. Our kids went to two different high schools in spite of the fact that they are twins, so they each had their own gaggle of friends. There were days Himself felt like he needed to put in a revolving door at our house, but I would go back to that activity in a heartbeat. I wish we never had to move. I'm hoping that whenif we eventually get back to OH we can still have them and their friends use our home for a touchstone spot. It's the youth that keep us young, right?


I've been sitting in the kitchen reading while Himself and Loverly have been watching TV all night. First it was "How to Train Your Dragon" and now it's "Maleficent". Both of them have been too loud, but I'll let it slide. Until I'm ready to head to bed, that is. I know we're staying at Loverly's, but I think she'll understand if I tell her I need my beauty sleep. :mrgreen:
DH just returned with the new couch we bought yesterday, gotta go help him unload it! Yay! It's microfiber that looks like leather and has recliners on the two ends. And we get to rearrange the furniture back the way I liked it! :LOL: Can't wait. Will show more pix later.


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Still having to "educate" myself about taking it easy on my heel. I haven't been walking very long and forget that I am not supposed to go full bore yet.

In view of that, I'm sitting on the sofa going through and enjoying, again, our Christmas cards. Some of them are so beautiful. I save them from year to year and am not surprised that we get fewer and fewer every year. I hope folks don't stop sending them altogether. They are one of my Christmas pleasures.
Oh, man, it's wonderful. So comfy and relaxing. And the flow through the room is much better. Love it.

No, not electric. This one was actually on clearance and the electric ones cost about three times as much.


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Oh, that's really pretty GG. Your living room looks so warm and homey.

I love my dark brown microfiber recliner - it does look like leather but is more breathable than leather, and doesn't make my legs sweaty in the summer. LOL
What a lovely room GG, and I adore your lamps! We have the same taste. I must remember to take pictures of mine for you.

I also had no idea microfiber could look like leather! Great find!

Edit: Here's a picture of my lamps and our tree from a couple of years ago. We no longer put up that big tree, only a little one in the computer room.

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Is microfiber as strong/durable as leather? I have microfiber cleaning cloths but they are not thick. I guess it comes in various thicknesses? Is it absorbent?
Thank you, Kayelle. Your room is beautiful, too. Yes, I love the curved legs on furniture and colorful lamps.

Just thought I'd show off my Victorian oil lamp ;) My aunt left it to me; it had belonged to my great-grandmother, who lived on a farm in Michigan. This is in the foyer.


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