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This is very bad, Addie.

Just saw a news story on "tiny grocery store boxes". They're like the "little libraries". Since they closed the only grocery store on the south end of our town that serves mostly low income people with no transportation, I think I'll build a box or two to put in the old store's parking lot and stock them with canned goods and boxed stuff.
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I sympathize; I have neuropathy in my feet and legs as well. Does he have a walker? It sounds like it would be a great help to him. Falling can be extremely dangerous. I imagine Social Security Disability and/or Medicare would help pay for it.

Thank you GG. He still isn't ready to accept the fact this is always going to be his life. Even though he sits in my big chair and cries with the pain. I have a walker, cane, and two wheel chairs right here in my home. He will sometimes use the cane, but only in my home. He keeps thinking he is going to get better. I have to choose my words carefully when we are discussing his condition.

He has finally decided that this time he is going to listening to his doctors and do what they say. Last year he signed up with Tufts Medical. The first thing the new doctor asked him was, "How many people do you see in the room?" When the second doctor in another specialty asked him the same question, he got up and walked out.

From that point on, he was very uncooperative with any doctor there. So finally this year, he found a better medical facility and it is closer to home. He really likes the medical staff and that is half his battle. But the winning thing is they provide transportation to and from all appointments including grocery shopping. And when I told him that this plan puts him on Part C of Medicare. For him, that means no co-pays. It means, like myself, his plan is all inclusive. He sees all the benefits I receive, and now so does he.

We were taking baby steps, now the steps are getting better with his acceptance with this plan. He has an appointment with a neurologist in March. He is actually looking forward to it.
Once again, listening to DH screeching at the TV watching his team play. Thankfully we have several TVs. And I can out-screech him, though I choose not to, but you don't mess with this woman. With a very loud voice if need be. I can't whistle as well as DH can though. Must practice.
Addie, it takes time to accept getting rickety. It sounds like Pirate is starting to adjust to his new normal. I hope he can get the help he needs with his new medical support team and some improvement. It will be peace of mind for both of you.

Just saw a news story on "tiny grocery store boxes". They're like the "little libraries". Since they closed the only grocery store on the south end of our town that serves mostly low income people with no transportation, I think I'll build a box or two to put in the old store's parking lot and stock them with canned goods and boxed stuff.
That is so sweet, Dawg! :heart: Make sure whatever you do "box" will put up with your extreme cold spells. It would be a real mess for you to have to scrape frozen corn off the inside. :ermm: Maybe you can put a note in a paper protector sleeve asking people to put donations into the box if they can. You'll probably get people who don't need help coming up to check it out. I would, but I'm nosy inquisitive.
Addie, I'm pulling for both you and Pirate. It's very hard to face the new normal sometimes.

Speaking of which (on a much smaller scale), I am sitting here trying to adjust to new glasses. Since I don't have bifocals, my glasses are, of necessity, long distance. Trying to see what's on the computer screen is starting to give me conniption fits.

What's worse, is that for the last five years my left eye has been far worse than my right eye, which has been doing all the work. Now I can see as well out of my left eye as I can from my right eye. Neither eye is happy about it and I'm hoping a truce will be called before too long because neither one of them wants to focus together right now.
Addie, I'm pulling for both you and Pirate. It's very hard to face the new normal sometimes.

Speaking of which (on a much smaller scale), I am sitting here trying to adjust to new glasses. Since I don't have bifocals, my glasses are, of necessity, long distance. Trying to see what's on the computer screen is starting to give me conniption fits.

What's worse, is that for the last five years my left eye has been far worse than my right eye, which has been doing all the work. Now I can see as well out of my left eye as I can from my right eye. Neither eye is happy about it and I'm hoping a truce will be called before too long because neither one of them wants to focus together right now.

When I had my cataract surgery, the surgeon asked me if I wanted to wear glasses after or not. I wasn't expecting the question. I asked her to give me some time to think about it. I have been wearing glasses since I was five years old. The first thing I did every morning was to reach for my glasses and put them on while making a dash for the outhouse. I couldn't remember a day when I didn't reach for them first. So I decided I still wanted to wear glasses. Only I didn't want coke bottle lenses that I could cash in for a nickel. She gave me the minimal need for infinity lens. I had the devil of a time adjusting to them. And she still gave me a need for reading lens. I had two pair of glasses before the surgery. And I opted for two pair after. The first time I ever had bifocals, I fell down a whole flight of stairs when I put them on. No broken bones, and picked myself up. I proceeded out to the car and looked down and fell off the curb. Bifocals are not for me. I can't afford to take to many "trips". Today, my eyes are still changing. It has been only six months since my last lens change. The lens are getting weaker and weaker as time goes on.

Be patient. Your eyes will adjust. And the lens will change.
I don't like bifocals, either, and for the same reason. I tried them for two weeks and never could adjust to them. So now with these glasses, if I need to see something close up, I just pull them down my nose and look through the tops. I guess that's sort of bifocal-like.

The thing is, the ophthalmologist told me that I would have a hard time seeing things closer than 18". What he should have said was I'd have a hard time seeing anything closer than 5 feet! Oh, well, at least I can read the signs above the grocery aisle now.

I wish my eyes would stabilize. They get worse every year. There is a plus in all this. When it gets rainy or foggy out and visibility drops, I have no problem driving, because that's how I see every day.

And don't get upset everyone. I've had two accidents in 43 years of driving and neither was my fault.
I don't like bifocals, either, and for the same reason. I tried them for two weeks and never could adjust to them. So now with these glasses, if I need to see something close up, I just pull them down my nose and look through the tops. I guess that's sort of bifocal-like.

The thing is, the ophthalmologist told me that I would have a hard time seeing things closer than 18". What he should have said was I'd have a hard time seeing anything closer than 5 feet! Oh, well, at least I can read the signs above the grocery aisle now.

I wish my eyes would stabilize. They get worse every year. There is a plus in all this. When it gets rainy or foggy out and visibility drops, I have no problem driving, because that's how I see every day.

And don't get upset everyone. I've had two accidents in 43 years of driving and neither was my fault.

I have a little test that I have been using for years. I pick out a tree that is quite far away. Like a city block or further. I pick out one really thin twig on top of the tree. If I can see that clearly, then I know my eyes are all right. But the day that little twig starts to get blurry to me, I call for an eye appointment.
When I woke up this morning, the temp outside was -9F. with the wind chill. I was sitting almost ten feet from the outside wall and could feel the cold coming right through the wall. My hands and feet got so cold, I couldn't feel them. I was scared to try and do too much walking. So here it is 6:30 p.m. and I am finally getting warm. I have been walking around my apartment keeping busy trying to warm up. And now with the sun having gone down, so does the temp follow suit. Will summer never come?

In order to get warm, I made potato pancakes. With sour cream. The Pirate stuffed himself. I have been promising to make them for a long time.
I am spending the evening with Mr Right and Mr perfect, which means they ignore me and talk and talk..
Watching the Grammies. All sorts of music artists and music I've never heard of. Beyonce did look gorgeous though, and seeing Neil Diamond and hearing him lead the group in a chorus of "Sweet Caroline" was nice.

Not sure how the women who are wearing dresses slit to the navel are avoiding wardrobe malfunctions. Must have some good double-stick tape.
Sitting in my kitchen (my den is too chilly), drinking my morning coffee, staring miserably at the waist high snow drift blocking my back exit all the way to the gate... even the dog couldn't plow her way thru it, had to let her out the front door.

Am afraid to try to get to the barn! Would someone come and find my body when the snow melts in the Spring... please...??
Just checking out my order I got today from Amazon. I ordered Bottle and Can Opener Tools for people with arthritis in their hands. My left hand is getting more painful.
I'm in Louisville Ky at a huge farm equipment show. Just finished my free hotel breakfast. A lovely powdered egg omlet and a shoe leather sausage patty. I should have gotten the oatmeal.
I'm in Louisville Ky at a huge farm equipment show. Just finished my free hotel breakfast. A lovely powdered egg omlet and a shoe leather sausage patty. I should have gotten the oatmeal.

And that is why I always order my eggs over easy or poached. Hard to do that with powdered eggs.

I am surprised that a hotel would use powdered eggs.
Today is the start of another few cool days for us, after hitting 86+ yesterday, so I decided to open up the windows, open up the sliding glass door to the screened porch and put a big floor fan in, then turned on the self-clean cycle of the oven, as this may be the last cool period. I also threw in Craig's big Lodge cast iron skillet that he didn't clean out last time he used it :( , as it's rather crusty now, besides being a bit rusty. Hopefully the oven will be bright and sparkly after we wipe out the ash and all Craig will have to do is use some salt and steel wool to get rid of the rust, then reseason. A little less than 2 hours to go out of 5. It's a bit smelly in here and warm even with the windows open and fan going. Hopefully the heat part of the cycle will soon be over and the cool down will begin.
I went to the eye doctor this morning. Yeah, I am sitting here with blurry eye vision. So I think I will take a short nap and hop it is all gone when I wake up.
procrastinating. reminescing on old music.

oh!! i should place my Lush order!! (thanks above poster for sparking online shopping!)
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