ISO help w/cranberry sauce, just refrigerated

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Assistant Cook
Dec 25, 2020
Hi. I made cranberry sauce last week. I immediately refrigerated it. Today, i want to finish the project by canning it. now I'm wondering if that isn't proper. If i don't can i'll be eating a lot of cranberry sauce--very soon. Good thing i like it! appreciate your advice. Thanks so much.
Did you follow a recipe that has been tested as safe for canning? I don't mean tested by your grandmother. I mean tested by scientific methods. Have you ever done any canning? Because canning is one of those things where you absolutely have to follow all the safety rules. If you don't, you could have botulism in the end product. Botulism doesn't usually even smell bad. People can die from botulism.
Usually with canning, it's important to bring it to a boil, and then keep the temperature high and get it into the waterbath canner (or pressure canner) to both finish the process and seal it. If it has sat in the fridge for a while, like an open can of fruit, it has time to develop some mold or fungus or bacteria because it was exposed to air, so it's probably better at this point to just freeze it if you have a lot of it. My opened canned cranberries usually last a week in the fridge once opened.

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