I need a recipe for New York Strip Steak (bone in)

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I'm sorry you were disappointed in your steaks!! Dog-gone-it...It does happen sometimes. Do you remember if the label had USDA Choice on it.?? Or does the store sell USDA Choice Beef?
I do know they sell USDA but I don't know if the steaks had USDA on them. My mother in law liked it (she had already had about 3 beers) I wished I drank I would have liked it too :LOL:
I do know they sell USDA but I don't know if the steaks had USDA on them. My mother in law liked it (she had already had about 3 beers) I wished I drank I would have liked it too :LOL:

Look for the USDA Choice Label similar to this one when buying beef. Many grocery stores have switched to Select Grade which is not as good as Choice grade!

First let me start there.
The steaks were awful full of grizzle ( I can chew through anything ) the cooking teqniques offered by all of you were great, the cuts of meat HORRIBLE. I should have brought back to S...& S... and said here you try and chew it. They were not over cooked just plain :sick: .
My stuffed mushrooms were awesome roasted baby reds and shrimp cocktail also some hot appetizers later in the night, at least we didn't go hungry ;)
Thanks for your help
I going to try and find a butcher

That's exactly what my point was here and in my "beef" thread. Better luck next time.
I made tip steaks last night.....

I had to give steak another try so I made tip steaks. THEY WERE AWESOME :ROFLMAO: , They just melted in your mouth.I chopped up a couple of cloves of garlic some worchestire (sp?) sauce and some low sodium soy a little pepper let them sit about an hour and put them in a fryin' pan YUMMY.
Ok I done ranting ;) I just thought I would pass on my success.
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I had to give steak another try so I made tip steaks. THEY WERE AWESOME :ROFLMAO: , They just melted in your mouth.I chopped up a couple of cloves of garlic some worchestire (sp?) sauce and some low sodium soy a little pepper let them sit about an hour and put them in a fryin' pan YUMMY.
Ok I done ranting ;) I just thought I would pass on my success.

WOOHOOOOO :) @ your success :):chef:
Medium High Heat means?

My stove top has a LO to 6 white range, then 7 to 12 for red range.

I tried cooking 1 inch thick ribeye steak on the stove top at 6, 4 minutes each side, and I still had A LOT of pink inside, and the steaks didn't come out more than 130 degrees.

So I am supposed to use the oven, as well? On what setting?

Oh, I was trying to cook them medium well (for myself) and medium rare (for my roommate), without charring them.

I am terrible at cooking and I've only just recently begun to take an interest in home cooking for myself. I am a bachelor of 28 years and I just want to know how to cook myself some uber delicious steaks.

Also, thanks to those who mentioned USDA choice. I just checked the wrapping the steaks came in and it didn't say anything about USDA. I'll keep an eye out for that in the future.

Oh, and a side note: I was marinating my steaks in cilantro, green onion, lime, olive oil, salt+pepper and minced garlic. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
For Stovetop+Oven the method (for just steaks) I use is this slow method. I find that it gives you a very good steak and you don't have to fire up the grill.

- Get your standard steak (I tend to use porterhouse) and your favorite seasonings (I use McCormick Steak Rub).

-Lightly oil the steaks with EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) and apply seasonings. With your marinade, this step probably wont be necessary, or you may want to apply dry seasonings.

- Begin heating your oven to 375*F. Heat a skillet (I use a non-stick one) on high heat.

- Using tongs, sear the edges of the steak first (approx 30-45 secs per edge), then sear both flats of the for 1 minute or so, basically you want to get the outside looking mostly done before it goes in the oven (the high heat starts the malliard reactions, which is a goodly part of a "grilled steak" flavor). You're looking to sear the steak, not cook it in the marinade so let it drain first and give it a good shake before applying it to the heat.

- Once you've done your searing place your steak(s) on a rack on a (foil covered) lipped cookie sheet (to catch juices). Then pop them in the oven.

- Doneness is all about timing here. For Medium Rare you're looking about 25 minutes. For Medium about 30-35. Medium Well is probably about 45-50 and Well about an hour. If you've got an instant read thermometer check for your desired temp. Don't expect "Black and Crispy" as a sign for Well Done steaks from this method. The one time I used this method for Well Done the steak was only a little darker than the Mediums I was cooking at the same time (it just went in the oven a half hour before the rest). It came out still juicy and tender, but cooked through (no pink).

- Tent (cover with foil) and let rest for ~5 minutes before serving.

A little bit of experimenting around will probably get you to the point where you can turn out your preferred steak.


A side note to this: if you like your steaks with baked potatoes, you can use this method in conjunction with baking your potatoes.

Preheat oven to 375*F

- Wash and scrub your potatoes. Lightly coat with olive oil and sprinkle with salt (other seasonings if desired).

- Place your potatoes in the oven (directly on the racks is possible, or you can use a baking sheet).

- While they bake you prepare your steaks as above. (note, Well Done steaks may need to be prepped before you start the potatoes)

When your potatoes have been in the oven for 30-40 minutes (Depending on how done you want your steak, earlier entry is more doneness) pop the steaks in the oven. When your steaks are done, pull them out and let your potatoes continue to bake. When serving, pull the potato from the oven and put on plate (TONGS people, dat's one hot potato!). Dress as desired.
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