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We might get 15"-18" of the white stuff tonight!:ohmy:
:) We have gotten a few inches here or there but Chama.NM had so much snow 38 inches plus of heavy wet snow roofs caving in the roof at the local grocery store and other places. Its weird because I remember getting huge snow storms in Colorado and Northern New Mexico years back and people did not panic like they do now. It was what is was lots of snow no big deal just a normal occurrence and a pain in the butt and a lot of shoveling. They even sent helicopters and the National Guard to help Chama. So ridiculous as people used to know how to deal with the snow.
Last friday, where I live in Toronto, we got 30 inches of snow.
I never know what it's going to be like around here. Freezing last week, about 70 F today (supposed to be 75 tomorrow).

I would love some snow right about now!

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