Tong Wars

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I'm frustrated!

I use tongs a lot. I like them plain - no rubber or silicone at all, just stainless steel.

My problem is that they keep dieing on me. The spring that makes them open rusts and breaks so I have limp, useless tongs.

Any ideas? Where do you get yours? What kind are the best. Do you have the same problem?
I will have to look at what kind I have when I get home. I have never had a pair die on me. I have 4 pair, 3 are SS and the 4th has the ends coated in nylon. I use them very frequently.
I use tongs exclusively. Like you, no silicone or anything. I don't know the brand of mine off the top of my head but they are pretty old and hold up well. I thought tongs were tongs until I grabbed a set my Mother has. They had no weight to them and felt a little flimsy. I definately would not attempt to pick up a large roast with them.
I usually use the sisscors type tongs, no spring, all metal. They last for years, but are not good for using on heavy objects (like big steaks or what not, plus the meat slides out of the tongs because you really can't get a good grip with the sisscor type). I have tongs like you have described Andy, I have not had that problem, YET!
I just looked around. I'm pretty sure mine are the OXO SS tongs. Set of 3. Very strong and durable.
LOL - I have another pair, all SS, that have been hanging out on the smoker for a couple years. I use those to move coals around. They still have spring action. lol
Do you guys put them in the dishwasher? I do but I think that accelerates the rusting process. I no longer put can openers and vegetable peeplers in the DW.
Another point.

I prefer not to have he type that you have to push/pull a slide at the top to lock the tongs. I like the kind that are gravity operated.
3 pair...

OxO... SS with some kind of rubber(?) grips....very strong
Edlund.. SS with very strong spring...
Handy Things...SS Made in Michigan...Very old...I don't remember not having them

Then several pair of these BBQ things...I never use.
I do put mine in the dishwasher every time. They are the push pull kind though, not gravity.
Another point.

I prefer not to have he type that you have to push/pull a slide at the top to lock the tongs. I like the kind that are gravity operated.

My Oxo is like that...don't like the push pull thingy...otherwise I like them
They all take the dishwasher bath....
Sorry, but this thread has me picturing the buch of you bouncing around a backyard playing swordfight with tongs...
I gotta leave my kids more often.
Back to the point. I have oxos also. I like them.
Sorry, but this thread has me picturing the buch of you bouncing around a backyard playing swordfight with tongs...
I gotta leave my kids more often.
Back to the point. I have oxos also. I like them.

We don't swordfight with tongs! That's just plain silly. We swordfight with skewers.

Tongs are alien death gripper claws.
I have four pair of tongs in my kitchen.

Two of the "scissors" type, one of those is ", the other is 10".

One 20 - 24" pair of tongs, just a bit piece of wire bent to shape, with the flattened ends spot-welded on, and rubber grips. I usually use these for stirring and moving coals around in my charcoal grill.

One 9" pair, brand-name "Edlund", stainless steel, SS spring, "locking" with the push-pull device. This is my hand's-down favorite pair for general use. Of course, my kids have pried the tongs open while it was "locked" shut, so the little slide is now all bent to heck and it won't lock, but it still opens and closes.

The reason my "Edlund" tongs are my favorite, is that they are the same thing that we have floating around at my job. I bought them at Williams-Sonoma about 10 - 12 years ago.

I am a big fan of tongs. I use them for everything, i.e., grabbing saute pans out of the oven/salamander, grabbing things out of the fryer, grabbing things that are just out of reach, etc. I prefer a 9" length. I can use 6" tongs equally well, but the big 12 - 14" tongs we have at work are just too freaking big. When I start my shift, one of the first things I do is remove all the 12 - 14" tongs that the day saute cook uses, and replace them with a mixed load of 6" and 9" tongs. Since I use tongs for many different things, I tend to keep A LOT on hand so that I reduce cross-contamination. Of course, I have to send them through the dishpit as needed.
Mine go in the DW all the time.

I only lock them when I store them. Like all things in life, you may have to sacrifice something to get what you want. LOL
Mine go in the DW all the time.

I only lock them when I store them. Like all things in life, you may have to sacrifice something to get what you want. LOL

I've had the push/pull locking type as well and they died the same death as all the others. It's always the spring that pops the tongs open that rusts and breaks.

It makes me crazy to toss a nice shiny pair of tongs because the two cent spring broke.
We don't swordfight with tongs! That's just plain silly. We swordfight with skewers.

Tongs are alien death gripper claws.

I apologize for the mistake in weaponry! My boys are not allowed skewers yet, still using giant wooden spoons. ;)
I've had the push/pull locking type as well and they died the same death as all the others. It's always the spring that pops the tongs open that rusts and breaks.

It makes me crazy to toss a nice shiny pair of tongs because the two cent spring broke.

Have you used the OXO brand? I think mine are constructed completely from SS. You may have SS paddles, but the springs are steel. I'll have some more info for you when I get home.

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