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Washing Up
Mar 5, 2008
Philly PA


she follwed my brother home... of couse he's moving out west next month so I guess I have a cat now!

I am tottally a dog person never had a cat in my life

but she is here now and off the mean streets of noth philadelphia

Super friendly and not skittish so she is definitley not ferile.. but soo skinny and hungry... guess its time to enter the world of kitty litter and catnip... what is an animal lover to do:ohmy:

brothers huge dog
not really sure what to make of her yet... im gonna miss him (dog not brother) I was gonna get me a dog or 2 when he left now I have to make sure to get cat friendly ones.
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cute cat. read up on cat care on the internet. cats are very different than dogs and also they do not respond to scolding like dogs . One thing you should not do, is play with the cat with your hands because that teaches the cat to scratch and bite hands. Always have some toy or object in your hand if you want to play with cat. LadyCook (Happily owned by 3 cats and 2 kittens )
A cutie! Make sure you get kittie spayed or neutered.... it will
make life SO MUCH easier!!!
you can never "own" a cat , unlike the dog. i love dogs but like cats better. give em food and a clean litter box and they will be happy with you.

oh yes, maybe a goodie once in awhile.

A tip: Dogs have owners; cats have staff. ;)

I love cats - can't remember a time when I haven't lived with at least one. Yeah, cats are not trainable, but if you have a talkative one, they're lots of fun. I love watching mine talk to the birds through the window. Which reminds me - is she going to be an indoor cat from now on? I'd recommend it. She'll be safe from cars (I've lost one that way), feline AIDS and other diseases, and you won't have to worry about her if you don't see her when you expect to.

still no name one will come to me

she is pretty easy going for a kitten maybe she was in a construction site before because she had some paint on her tail and belly and does not seem to be afraid of powertools. She was ring in the room while we were framing a wall today

yest she will be an indoor cat... to many thugy streetcats in the hood I wouldnt want her hanging out with the wrong crowd:LOL: she dosent seem too interested in getting outside anyway.... right now she is sort of tentativelt venturing down the steps testing the mette of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\p

\\\\\\\\ ok she just did that following the cursior... this could be a problem

\\\\\\\\ ok she just did that following the cursior... this could be a problem

You should become "one" with the SAVE key if you have a kitten anywhere near your keyboard. I learned that the hard way.

Kitty is a real cutie. Watch her and see what her personality is, then name her. That's what Buck and I do with our furbabies. Without a doubt, they "become" their names. Enjoy. You'll have many happy, entertaining, loving years ahead.
I am definitely a cat, kitty lover, make no mistake you do not own a cat they own you.I have had many cat's and loved every one of them. I have hung some weird names on some of my kitty's, my favotite kitty was Mooky a white with black markings. He used to sleep on top of my head a truly wonderful kitty. Get you kitty spayed or nuetered soon as boy kittys develope some unwanted habits early in life, trust me on this. All so get your kitty all of there shots, then you will have a good kitty for many years
best of all love your kitty you will be repayed many time over
gads, you are paw printed for sure..........from now on your name is "Slavius et Spartacus"---be proud to have a cat who loves you.........it's a sign of high respect and if they "knead" you then it's extra special............dogs are special, too--- you can make a very cheap toy that they love by wrapping foil up into a ball with a bit of string or yarn. Also, you can take an old sock and stuff the toe with some catnip (go to your local pet shop) and make a knot and smash it to release the oils. Most cats go nuts over it.........have fun with your new bud
Dogs are loyal, loving, watch your every move waiting to see if they can serve you.

Cats are loyal, loving ,but watch your every move waiting to see when you will serve them.

I have 6 Tibetan Spaniel dogs


No room for cute little kitties here....:mrgreen::mrgreen:
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