Foods You Hate in One Form but Love in Another

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Barbara L

Traveling Welcome Wagon
Apr 4, 2004
Somewhere, US
Someone mentioned something in another thread that made me think of this. Is there a food that you hate in one form but love in another?

For me it is peanuts. I hate roasted peanuts. I can tolerate peanuts in certain candies (like Snickers and toffee peanuts), and I can eat boiled peanuts (they taste like black-eyed peas to me), although they aren't my favorite. But I LOVE peanut butter!

Peas, I can't stand to eat them out right. If their in something like my vegetable soup thats fine. And Baked beans, I have to have either potato salad or cole slaw with them on my fork or I won't eat them.
Oh and by the way Barbara L, I can't stand boiled peanuts either. I mean who wants to eat wet nuts anyway?
Corn - love corn on the cob hate corn kernals. Fresh or canned. Makes no difference.
Celery - hate the smell, the taste, the everything in its natural state but it is fine cooked in a soup or a dish base (provided it is cooked enough so it loses that smell!)
Plums - love em but I can't eat them stewed as it hurts my mouth. Don't know why.
Salmon - love it canned, smoked, gravalaxed, cerviched, sashimi-d, sushi-d, tartared - just don't cook it and serve it to me as a fillet.
My brother will have ketchup (Made with tomatoes), spaghetti, lasagne (made with tomatoe sauce), chili (made with crushed tomatoes) but won't eat a raw tomato! Me, I can't eat raw onions but anyway they are cooked or added to a recipe they are fine and in some cases even desired.
Me too with the cabbage, corn and liver.
Also, fresh strawberries only, and raisins. I'll eat raisins out of the box, but if I bite into a food and find them, especially the white ones, that's it, I'm done eating. Beans, any way shape or form, hate, hate, hate em, except kidneys in chili. But then they're so desicated you don't really taste just them.
Another tomato oddity here. I don't really care for raw tomatoes, but love them cooked.

I'm flip-flopped on spinach. I LOVE raw spinach. However, if you open a can of the stuff upwind of me, I'll hurl within seconds. Something about the smell of canned spinach just makes me sick. Don't know why, and I've been like that all my life.
My brother will have ketchup (Made with tomatoes), spaghetti, lasagne (made with tomatoe sauce), chili (made with crushed tomatoes) but won't eat a raw tomato! Me, I can't eat raw onions but anyway they are cooked or added to a recipe they are fine and in some cases even desired.

Wow, jabbur - sub DH for brother and me for you, and that's what I was going to write! :ermm: :LOL:
I guess for me you can say corn.....I love corn, but am not a big fan of eating it off the cobb! I will on occasion but get annoyed when the skins get stuck between your teeth!:glare:
I REFUSE to drink milk but i have it on my cereal. I HATE onions but LOVE onion rings with fry sauce.. I HATE tomatoes but LOVE salsa
cold slaw...or sourkrout (SP)... but loved steamed cabbage and stuffed cabbage is a favorite
For me it is squid. I absolutely love calamari, but I can not even swallow squid cooked any other way. It is too rubbery and I literally gag on it. But give me a full calamari dinner and I am in heaven!
I gag at creamed corn but love corn on the cob and kernel corn.
I don't like liver but like braunschwieger (sp?).
All my fish has to be cooked, nothing raw.
I love lima bean soup but not buttered lima beans as a side dish.
Fresh spinach in a salad, spinach dip but I won't eat cooked spinach.
I guess there is more than I thought.


I love to munch on cheese, all by itself...
but for some really odd reason I don't like it on cold sandwiches. Can't figure it out.

I like toasted sandwiches with browned melted cheese just fine...

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