2021 Edition - What are you baking?

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Got a buddy working on natural starters for a bakery project. This was today's results.



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Decided to make some Italian bread today. It's just a very simple, basic recipe from the back of the Pillsbury bread flour bag, but it's great!

I had to make a batch of my BBQ sauce to fulfill some orders today, so with that I had left, I added the last of the smoked pork shoulder, put it in some puff pastry and baked em off. tasty little monkeys.


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Another mini sausage bread run. I made the dough (wheat germ added to flour for a nice nutty flavor) on Saturday. After sitting in the fridge for 5 days the bread flavor was wonderful.


When it first became all the rage, the fad of the baking world, the new "must do" thing, I copied the recipe article from the New York Times and set it aside to make at a later date. The date on the article is November 8, 2006. I made the NYT No-Knead Bread recipe for the first time yesterday and today. No flies on me. I stay right on top of things.

My desire to finally make this bread came from the fact that I am making French onion soup tonight and I needed a bread to float the cheese on.

I took it out of the oven around 1:00 and waited for it to cool. SO and I sampled it with some butter just now and I have to say it's great bread! I take all the credit for following the recipe exactly.

The recipe calls for dusting the dough "generously" with flour. As yo can see, I took that instruction to heart.


I took a couple of slices off for a quality test and the interior looks good too.


Best of all, it tastes delicious.
Well done Andy!

Believe it or not, I have a recipe from a long time ago, maybe not 2006, but close.

No knead bread, oven 450, preheated with the cast iron Dutch Oven.

I too, made one today and am not posting a pic because it looks just like yours!
I've also eaten about a 3rd of it. :ermm: think I might have to call it my supper.

I also made the cast iron rolls. Had enough I put 4 extra in another CI pan. Gave those to a friend who had come over to help me pack some things.

Must mention those CI rolls are 'de bomb'. After my first disaster with them have been making them about once a week. What I don't eat the geese do. :rolleyes:
When it first became all the rage, the fad of the baking world, the new "must do" thing, I copied the recipe article from the New York Times and set it aside to make at a later date. The date on the article is November 8, 2006. I made the NYT No-Knead Bread recipe for the first time yesterday and today. No flies on me. I stay right on top of things.

My desire to finally make this bread came from the fact that I am making French onion soup tonight and I needed a bread to float the cheese on.

I took it out of the oven around 1:00 and waited for it to cool. SO and I sampled it with some butter just now and I have to say it's great bread! I take all the credit for following the recipe exactly.

The recipe calls for dusting the dough "generously" with flour. As yo can see, I took that instruction to heart.

View attachment 45526

I took a couple of slices off for a quality test and the interior looks good too.

View attachment 45527

Best of all, it tastes delicious.

Looks awesome. That recipe gives such great results for such little effort!
Had a craving for old fashioned crispy chocolate chip cookies.
Using a 70's Sunset Magazine recipe I've baked countless times, my craving is satisfied. Taste not looks was my goal.

Today I treated myself by making those Salted Butter and Chocolate Chunk Shortbread That GotGarlic posted a link to, on another thread - thank you so much! They are fantastic!

I changed the method to the way I have made countless types of shortbread - in the food processor! I just put dry ing. in the bowl, pulse a few times to mix, then add the butter, cut up some, and process until it starts to come together. then, in a recipe like this one, or one with nuts, they get worked in my hand, and in this one, it is formed into a log, and chilled. The chocolate chunks were a little hard to cut through - a thin knife I often use for slice and bake cookies didn't cut through them well, so I got a saw-toothed bladed paring knife, which cut through them fairly well. When it seemed that it was pushing a chunk out of the way, instead of cutting it, I just started sawing it, and it went through well.

As with all similar cookies, they are delicious warm, but also good cooled off. However, it seems shortbread gets better in just a day - something about the butter getting stronger - I only ate one each way, and saved the rest!
Making the Salted Chocolate Chunk Shortbread, adding butter to the dry ingredients. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Butter and dry ingredients blended in FP, and starting to come together. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Shortbread dough, ready for the chocolate chunks. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Log of shortbread dough, with chocolate chunks mixed in, ready to chill. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Shortbread log, brushed with egg and rolled in the raw sugar, prior to slicing. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Shortbread ready to go into the oven. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished Salted Chocolate Chunk Shortbread by pepperhead212, on Flickr
well, sorta baking ...




Mini Chocolate Cream Pies.
One stays here and two go to the neighborhood Gal Pal's.
I'd never seen a Cream Pie recipe that called for a
Graham Cracker Crust, but I wanted to use up
this box of Crumbs that I have.
I made stabilized Whipped Cream for the topping
and shaved some Chocolate curls for garnish.
I like it's too chocolate-y for my taste.


I had way too much pudding!
well, sorta baking ...

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Mini Chocolate Cream Pies.
One stays here and two go to the neighborhood Gal Pal's.
I'd never seen a Cream Pie recipe that called for a
Graham Cracker Crust, but I wanted to use up
this box of Crumbs that I have.
I made stabilized Whipped Cream for the topping
and shaved some Chocolate curls for garnish.
I like it's too chocolate-y for my taste.

View attachment 45663

I had way too much pudding!

Ohhh, those look wonderful! I really like graham cracker crust with cream pies, especially chocolate! That's how my mom made it and I loved the contrast of the creamy pudding with the bit of texture from the graham cracker crust.
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