Analon Professional

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Senior Cook
Sep 17, 2004
Anybody have any bad expierences with Analon Professional cookware? It is on sale at Ross dress for's imperfects but so what. I got a 1qt size specifically to make cream of wheat in ,cause i hate cleaning dried cream o wheat and burnt milk out of anything else and it performed well. Cream of wheat whiped right out. I am considering buying a few more pieces if the price is right when i go back.
i was looking into buying a set when, shopping in macy's, my wife found the set i was looking for and shouted across the store, "honey, i found that anal - on thing you were looking for!!!"
i crawled outta there under the racks like a guy in boot camp, moving as fast as i could on my elbows and knees under the racks of stuff like barbed wire.
we ended up buying emerilware...
somebody share the joke
i dont want to buy a set of it, just some to complement all the other pots that i have. It looks like my ultrex, is peeling or chipping or just now evenly coated across the bottom any more. I have a couple of stainless steel pots , one has a steamer and a stainless steel frying pan, and every piece of cast iron imaginable.
But my wife claims she can taste the iron when i cook eggs or pancakes on the cast iron. SO i am thinking of getting a analon skillet and or frying pan.
Is there any reason some one would need a analon stock pot?
vilasman, the joke is in the pronunciation. think of another way to pronounce a-n-a-l

can't help on the cookware choices. I've got the coated Emerilware stuff, some old club aluminum, and stainless and cast iron skillets.
made the cheese sauce reciepe that some one so kindly posted earlier this eveing in my anal-on pot. And even the cheese rinsed right out. Analon is becoming my friend :D
I own an Anolan 12" Professional nonstick deep skillet. I bought it off of Amazon when they were selling for $20. In fact, I think all of my close friends, my mom, and sister each own one too.

I don't buy expensive nonstick pans. However, I've got a small fortune sunk into All-Clad Stainless.

I've got nothing bad to say about the Anolon pan I own. I've owned it over a year and use it quite often. The surface is still intact and releases food wonderfully.


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