Another Quick Question About Seasoning Stripping on Carbon Steel

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Assistant Cook
Jul 16, 2023
Hi does using a Scotch-Brite Dobie with soap and thoroughly scrubbing a carbon steel pan strip the seasoning enough for reseasoning or is it necessary to use vinegar or something else?
well, here's a couple thoughts - just watch the fur fly . . . .

the two "OMG! NOT AGAIN" topics are:
- how to peel a hard boiled egg
- how to season a pan

all this "oil lightly heat upside down use xxx oil pressed only on a yyy moon" . . . total absolute BS.
in days of old when knights were bold . . . people fried/cooked stuff in cast iron and eventually the pan "seasoned" and became near non-stick.

it still works, and it still works for carbon steel pans.
[[**limitation: a lot of "fatty stuff" is pork, which may be a no-no for observant religious groups.... - slice off the fat from the good beef stuff and use that . . . ]]

stop washing/scrubbing the pan(s) - ask you local doctor if he would be happy having his implements sterilized to 350-400'F . . . that's what happens when you fire up a cast iron / carbon steel pan 'for next use'

wipe the pan out with a paper towel / etc. set it aside.
cook / fry / roast / saute "fatty foods" in the pan - it will within < 15 uses be very well seasoned.
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