Any way to make cottage cheese tasteful?

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Fresh full fat cottage cheese has a ‘clean’ taste.

If the cottage cheese is getting a bit ripe I use it in a baked macaroni dish or vegetable gratin.

IMO some of the low fat or no fat versions aren’t all that tasty.

You can always mask the flavor with fruit or various seasonings but if that’s the only solution I would pass and find something else to eat.
I ditto the low fat and no fat versions - yech... ka ka...
When are you having it? Lunch... put it on some lettuce with some dressing - ranch, italian,...
Put the CC on a salad of crisp greens for some texture, then do the Texas thing, and add hot sauce. We Texans can eat just about anything, as long as we have some good hot sauce on hand. ;)

That was my first thought too. I have made cottage cheese and it was bland, bland, bland until we added a little bit of salt. Amazing difference.
Yeah for sure. I make quite a a bit of my own cheeses and cottage, ricotta and paneer are the ones I make the most. I have some cottage cheese in the fridge I made recently and just finished a herb paneer, need to make more, lol.

BTW I don't add salt to the recipe I just add before I eat it and I always use a seas salt like Maldons which is my go to everyday salt along with course Himalayan in my salt mill and if I want to get fancy I'll use Carmargue Fleur de Sel. :)
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I like to mix it with some jelly. Cup of tea in the morning with some sweet cottage cheese. Yum.

That sounds good. Do you use smooth jelly, or something with chunks, like preserves?

CC combines well with diced fruits, too. Diced apple is good. It is as much a texture thing as flavor. The texture of plain CC is not appealing to me.

Although there are many renditions on google - this is the one I came across and will be trying soon... Cottage Cheese Wrap
mixed with an egg and used to 'wrap' up anything you want!
You can enhance the taste of cottage by adding various mix-ins. For example: sugar, honey, vanilla, fruits, and berries. This will add notes of sweetness and freshness to the cottage
That sounds good. Do you use smooth jelly, or something with chunks, like preserves?

CC combines well with diced fruits, too. Diced apple is good. It is as much a texture thing as flavor. The texture of plain CC is not appealing to me.

I make my own preserves/jellies, so whatever I grab, that's what goes in. As far as fruits, that is also a great idea. I love to add banana chunks. Kind of matches the soft texture and adds sweetness.
I used to be able to get it in single serving sizes - great for single people, lunches and snacking. Haven't looked lately -
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