Beefy Beef Ribs

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Toby Keil

Executive Chef
Jan 15, 2008
Thousand Oaks, CA
I scored two racks of beef ribs off my customer who owns a BBQ joint off Topanga Blvd called the Rib Ranch BBQ, great place. Check it out if your in the area. Thanks Mike!

Ribs rubbed and ready for the smoker.

Ribs on the WSM just sprayed with apple juice.

Ready for slicing.

Sliced and ready to eat. I made some sweet and spicy bbq sauce for them.
I love beef ribs but it can be hard to find a set that isn't super fatty. Good find and good looking ribs!
Hey way for poor folks to get some good cow ribs is to catch the whole bone in Rib Eyes on sale..Choice grade or higher of course. Separate the bones and meat yourself. The meat goes for steak and the bones for ribs. There ya go.

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